Creature (18) | |||
$10.20€10.881.23 | |||
$1.49€0.590.07 | |||
$0.68€0.830.02 | |||
$4.10€2.330.02 | |||
$6.54€2.870.05 | |||
$1.80€0.620.04 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19) | |||
$0.92€0.510.03 | ||
$0.50€0.530.11 | |||
$4.24€3.691.63 | |||
$4.04€4.270.77 | |||
$3.88€3.700.16 | |||
$7.83€7.170.11 | |||
Land (23) | |||
$2.57€2.020.13 | |||
$3.51€2.050.20 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsToday we are talking about a super fun fast way to lose all your friends! It is a combo between Griselbrand and Neoform with a couple of other cards that make it possible to win on turn one, so let's get right into it!
First let me explain the combo. What we want to do is first, reveal Chancellor of the Tangle and get 1G on our first main phase. Then we play an island and play Allosaurus Rider and exile the Chancellor of the Tangle and another green card. Then we play Neoform using 1G and tap our island to turn our Allosaurus Rider into a Griselbrand. We then begin to mill ourselves, and if we ever get low on life we can play Nourishing Shoal exiling either a Worldspine Wurm or Chancellor of the Tangle to gain back some life. Then we will exile 3 Simian Spirit Guides and then use that mana to play a manamorphose and turn the mana to blue. We then play Laboratory Maniac and mill ourselves for the win.
This combo looks pretty complicated so it would be nice to get some practice in before you start playing it.
First, we shall look at our big spells. We only run one copy of Griselbrand because we can Neoform it up and it is a quite expensive card. Then we also have Worldspine Wurm, which we never plan to actually cast but we will exile it to Nourishing Shoal. Chancellor of the Tangle also is key in allowing us to get a turn 1 kill. The mana we get from it is very important in being able to play Neoform turn one. Last is Allosaurus Rider. It is also very key in our combo as we can play it for free on turn one and is 7 mana, letting us go up to 8 mana for Neoform into Griselbrand.
Next up is the cards that are and like Neoform. Neoform is what lets us turn our Allosaurus Rider into a Griselbrand. Eldritch Evolution isn't as good as Neoform and honestly could be cut if you wanted to replace it for some Force of Negations to protect the combo.
Summoner's Pact is also great at letting us get the cards we need. We aren't concerned about the "lose the game" clause because we should win. Once Upon a Time is just an amazing free digger to find the combo pieces we need. Manamorphose allows us to change our mana to blue and play Laboratory Maniac.
This is my deck, I hope you enjoy! Please do not steal my deck without my premission :D
Fun budget decks & combos!
16 | 13 | 26 | 5 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |