Standard - Pure and Simple Mardu Knights

TCGPlayer $139
Cardmarket €115
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 10 invalid cards for this format: Sacred Foundry (GRN), Conclave Tribunal (GRN), Blood Crypt (RNA), Godless Shrine (RNA), Angrath, Captain of Chaos (WAR), Skyknight Vanguard (M20), Mortify (RNA), The Wanderer (WAR), Tibalt, Rakish Instigator (WAR), Angrath's Rampage (WAR)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Creature (25)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (21)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)
Maybeboard 14 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Important Read This Frist!

This decklist is not a pipedream. Nor a wishful thinking decklist. I play it every FNM and it consistently places top 8 against the other big names in the current meta. It has been tried and tested. It works.

This deck is realistic. A card like Knight of the Ebon Legionimage is really hard to find and if you buy singles it can add over 50 dollars to the total price tag just for those four cards. We live in the real world and this decklist is made for real people.

This decklist is pure and simple. Cards like Knights Charge just doesn't really work in standard aggro Mardu knights. That's why pros don't play it in Mardu Knights. Knights is an aggro deck that is supposed to outpace mono-red in some cases ending the game by turn 6. My decklist keeps it traditional designed around creating opportunities for your knights to deal consistent damage and end the game with a well-timed Embercleave. that's it. 

The Premise

Usually, a Mardu knights deck in top tear play includes 4 Embercleaveimage and 4 Rotting Regisaurimage. A very effective, very powerful combination but also very expensive. Here I offer a more rooted and cheaper version of the current Mardu knights. This deck relies more on consistently playing knights that synergise well with each other, while still having at least 2 Embercleaveimage in the deck as the trump cards.

Mana Discounts

The land ratio is a bit deceptive. There are 3 cards that cost 6 mana each, and a set of 4 mana Conclave Tribunalimages. Shouldn't there be more than 21 lands? Because Embercleave costs less for each attacking creature, combined with all the 1 drops this card consistently gets played for no more than three mana. The Circle of Loyaltyimage adds a bit of staying power to the deck in case the game drags on but also costs less for each knight. The Conclave Tribunals have convoked which means there is plenty of mana discount built-in to this deck.

Playing the deck

A few key cards to mention is Skyknight Vanguardimage's synergy with Embercleave. It brings out an attacking token when it attacks reducing the cost of the equipment. There are several scry lands, as well as Foulmire Knightimage's adventure to search for those big hitters like Embercleaveimage. Acclaimed Contender is priceless in this regard. You really don't need a playset of all the duel shock lands to make this deck work. Tournament Groundsimage is what makes it possible to play such an aggro deck with three colours. This deck functions beautifully with the number of lands indicated. Fervent Championimage  becomes a beast with a well-timed Embercleave and even Steelclaw Lanceimage goes on a turn early because you can equip it for free. 



About Housefly01

In the immortal words of Jaya Ballard, task mage (my teenage crush)

"Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."

Sizzle flavour text

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Last Updated: 19 Dec 2019
Created: 12 Dec 2019
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