Standard - [Polyraptor] Naya Dinos

TCGPlayer $284
Cardmarket €227
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 31 invalid cards for this format: Priest of the Wakening Sun (XLN), Verdant Sun's Avatar (XLN), Gishath, Sun's Avatar (XLN), Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Ripjaw Raptor (XLN), Treasure Map // Treasure Cove (XLN), Rootbound Crag (XLN), Sunpetal Grove (XLN), Star of Extinction (XLN), Polyraptor (RIX), Thunderherd Migration (RIX), Wayward Swordtooth (RIX), The Immortal Sun (RIX), Zacama, Primal Calamity (RIX), Etali, Primal Storm (RIX), Forerunner of the Empire (RIX), Clifftop Retreat (DOM), Knight of Autumn (GRN) Deafening Clarion (GRN), Sacred Foundry (GRN), Temple Garden (GRN), Settle the Wreckage (XLN), Regisaur Alpha (XLN), Carnage Tyrant (XLN), Ranging Raptors (XLN), Polyraptor (RIX), Silverclad Ferocidons (RIX), Zetalpa, Primal Dawn (RIX), Temple Altisaur (RIX), Banefire (M19), Knight of Autumn (GRN)
Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (10 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Ramping Naya Dinos is a super fun deck... 

Basically, Priest of the Wakening Sunimage, Knight of Autumnimage, Ripjaw Raptorimage, and Deafening Clarionimage constest board/stall until you can get your stuff going on.

Thunderherd Migrationimage, Treasure Map // Treasure Coveimage, and Wayward Swordtoothimage are here for ramping; getting to 6/7 mana early is hugely important while piloting this deck.

Your dinos like Etali, Primal Stormimage, Gishath, Sun's Avatarimage, Zacama, Primal Calamityimage and even Ripjaw Raptorimage  are here to combination hit people in the face/synergize with your other dinos/fatigue out an opponet while you get your combo set.

The Immortal Sunimage is part control, part sustained draw because you're presumably gonna fatigue playing all those lands so quick otherwise. Star of Extinctionimage is part control, part board wipe, and part synergy with Polyraptorimage because it won't wipe your dinos, it just copies them.

On the other side of the board-wipe coin is Deafening Clarionimage which is great to wipe saprolings, convoke token decks, white weenie, etc as well as being GREAT for hitting both options because your creatures (basically) all survive 3 damage!


Now for the interesting bit; 4x Forerunner of the Empireimage and a Polyraptorimage. As long as nothing gets countered this win condition is pretty ludicrous. Wipes boards, goes wider than basically any other deck is able to, and you don't have to worry about any specific pieces cause they're all just copies of each other.


Sideboard is pretty self explanatory. Silverclad Ferocidonsimage if an opponent is playing indestructibles, Carnage Tyrantimage for control matchups, Settle the Wreckageimage for it's normal stuff against wide board, Zetalpa, Primal Dawnimage for if your opponent is super destroy-creature removal spell heavy...

Rocket science, basically.



LMK if I screwed up brewing (: I'd believe it!

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The sideboard is basically for if I run into too much removal. If Trapjaws keep getting hit with cast down for instance it's nice to have Atzocan Seers to pull them back out. The Silverclad Ferocidons are here for the same reason, but a different way. When the Trapjaws die all of their exiled creatures get released so if I know there are cast down/murder/contempts coming up it basically isn't worth it. Silverclad Ferocidons forces the opponent to sac, though, so even if my dino dies it works! (:
Cool deck!

How does your sideboard fit in? :D
Last Updated: 11 Nov 2018
Created: 23 Sep 2018
4848 123 2

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Mana Curve
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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
0 8 34 10 0
0 1 12 2 0
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