Historic - Kroxa's Shadow

TCGPlayer $165
Cardmarket €151
Cardhoarder 9 Tix
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Creature (8)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Working on a Historic deck with a Modern Shadow build feel to it. Using Kroxa and Lazav for threats and the Royal Scions for dig and extra dmg. They also help to fill the graveyard to either escape Kroxa or put him there for Lazav. Most cards are filler to find threats/answers or hand disruption. I'm using thought erasure over agonizing remorse for the surveil ability and carnival/carnage to combat early drop and also add as late game reach. Thinking of pulling one rampage for a third ritual.

Made some adjustments to the deck and sideboard. Getting overrun by aggro so wanted to add more targeted removal. also added the uncaged fury as a nod to Temur Battle Rage.

Traded out the cast downs for walk the planks because I kept running into legends and was left with dead removal. Adjusted the board to be more versatile against different decks.  Would appreciate help with the mana base as that's not my strong suit.  Will be looking to incorporate some fabled passages. 

Updated mana base. Added another basic and incorporated fabled passage to thin the deck, fill the yard, and help fix mana. Not sure if it's the right ratio.

Added one more Dragonskull Summit and took out the Cling to Dust, Cling to Dust was very situational and I want to make sure to hit the lands on curve.  Trying out Drowned in the Lock as a kill spell instead of walk the plank.  I like the fact that it's an instant and can also be used as a counter spell if needed.  

Made some sideboard updates by removing the Shriek and adding two Unmoored Egos, because Nexus of Fates is still a thing.  Also took out one Disdainful Stroke to add a second Blood Sun.

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Last Updated: 02 Apr 2020
Created: 27 Mar 2020
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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
14 12 22 11 0
1 8 6 0 0
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