Historic - Abzan Lands, Knight & Terravore (BO1)

Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Creature (20)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (27)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Ever since the release of Historic Anthologies II, I saw one of my favorite cards making it into MTGArena, the so-called Terravore. Yup, that's right. I grew up with the Terravoreimage and I was really excited to pair him with The Gitrog Monsterimage and Knight of the Reliquaryimage. I was looking around for some deck ideas and came across one from Aetherhub.com of course with a few minor changes. 

The Deck

This deck focuses on ramping more lands into play, putting lands into the graveyard, and cycling our library to get more advantage. Terravoreimage gets bigger and bigger as more lands fill our graveyard (Remember, it counts all lands in all graveyards). The top two land cards that will help us Ghost Quarterimage and Fabled Passageimage Ghost Quarterimage destroys any lands and fills our graveyard. With the help of our Knight of the Reliquaryimage, it can fetch us lands over and over. 

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The Gitrog Monsterimage and Dryad of the Ilysian Groveimage helps us play more than one land per turn. Plus, the The Gitrog Monsterimage has the ability to make us draw additional cards every time a land we control gets place into a graveyard from anywhere. [[Works wonder with Ghost Quarterimage and Fabled Passaged

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As our creatures getting stronger over time we get to run the opponent over.

The Spells

Assassin's Trophyimage, Deathsproutimage, Maelstrom Pulseimage, and Shatter the Skyimage helps us get rid of big threats. Fall of the Thranimage is our armageddon. Blowing up all lands when we have an already beef up Terravoreimage. Find//Finality will up a lot to get rid of mulitple threats or bring back dead cards. Crucible of Worldsimage will help us recycle tons of lands. Especially with Ghost Quarterimage and either The Gitrog Monsterimage and/or Dryad of the Ilysian Groveimagewill constantly help us blow up lands.

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Essential Creatures:

Thalia, Guardian of Thrabenimage stalls us against control decks and pesky 1/1 tokens. Llanowar Elvesimage help us fix our mana in the early game.

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Our only planeswalker is Vraska, Golgari Queenimage. Her plus +2 will help us with overflowing lands by sacrificing it we draw a card and 1 life. At the same time, we feed the Terravoreimage and The Gitrog Monsterimage by drawing 1 more card. Her -3 will remove any pesky enchantments, creatures, 3 mana Planeswalkers, etc



We are running a whooping 27 land in this deck. x4 Fabled Passageimage, x4 Ghost Quarterimage, 3x Godless Shrinte, 4x Overgrown Tombimage, 3x Temple of Plentyimage, 4x Forestimage, 3x Plainsimage, and 2x Swampimage. Any thoughts on the lands that needs improvement?


I have uploaded a gameplay video of the deck and I had a blast. What are your thoughts? I hope you all enjoy.

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Last Updated: 01 Apr 2020
Created: 01 Apr 2020
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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
13 6 36 5 0
0 0 0 0 0
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