Arena Standard - Monument to Ugin

  • Deck contains 26 invalid cards for this format: Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21), Fae of Wishes (ELD), Solemn Simulacrum (M21), Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Mazemind Tome (M21), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Neutralize (IKO), Palladium Myr (M21), Forsaken Monument (ZNR), Stonecoil Serpent (ELD), Radiant Fountain (M21), Labyrinth of Skophos (THB), Inquisitive Puppet (ELD), Skyscanner (M21), Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21), Soul-Guide Lantern (THB), Tormod's Crypt (M21), Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD), Neutralize (IKO), Discontinuity (M21), Sublime Epiphany (M21), Chromatic Orrery (M21), Jace, Mirror Mage (ZNR), Teferi, Master of Time (M21), Forsaken Monument (ZNR), Lofty Denial (M21)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Planeswalker (3)
Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (12 distinct)

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I am very excited to bring you this deck (75% win rate thus far)! While most of the cards are quite new to standard, you will undoubtedly notice there are several returning faces. I have had very limited playtesting time with this deck, meaning it may end up needing a tweak here or there, but I expect the shell itself to be very competitive in the new meta. Without further ado, allow me to introduce you to the Monument to Ugin!

First I'd like to say that I'm very excited to see colorless matters cards coming back into play as I'm a huge fan of the eldrazi, and while there are no eldrazi in this particular deck, colorless DOES matter. Now to the deck...

We lack turn one plays in leui of more powerful cards down the line, but we do have one potential play should we absolutely feel it necessary for defense in stonecoil serpent. Stonecoil is neat in many ways for this deck. First it can get played on any turn, so if we don't need it on turn one, we can play it later as an even bigger body. Second, it shuts down a pesky dream trawler at any stage of the game. Third, once we have forsaken monument out, not only does it get pumped even more, but it gains us life which is very important to stabilize in this deck as we will inevitably take some early damage.

On turn two we have several plays to make up for our lack of one drops. We run four copies of mazemind tome (which we may only need three of? More playtesting is needed for me to make my final desicion on that). This card will not only help us find the card(s) we need, but will help us gain the life we may lose early game; when lacking mana to draw, don't fret, just scry, and get those cards out of your way that you don't need while getting closer to gaining life. Next we have a new card called jwari disruption which I think I may be in love with; it counter any spell unless our opponent pays one mana. In the early game this can absolutely ruin tempo for our opponent by denying a card such as robber of the rich. If it's late game and our opponent has plenty of mana to pay the tax, we can just play it as an island. Lastly, but certainly not least, and if you've been following me or reading my deck guides at all, no blue deck can be complete without fae of wishes, and in this deck we run four copies. Against low aggro decks it's 1/4 flying body is a pest that will keep us alive, and against control decks, we can dig into our wishboard to grab an answer.

On turn three we also have several plays, all of which are intended to ruin our opponents tempo and keep us alive while we find our win condition. We run four copies of Brazen Borrower so we can bounce our opponents game plan right back to their hand, effectively ruining their tempo, and I doubles as a beatstick that control decks will use removal on or lose to. We also runthree copies of neutralize, which we don't necessarily have to play on turn three, as it's just as effective on any turn to protect our stuff, and ruin our opponents game plan. We also run one copy of animating fairy in the case that we need to transform a non-creature artifact to defend ourselves from creatures, or should it be later in the game, to beat our opponent down. Finally, we run four copies of palladium nut as it's an excellent source of ramp so we can slam Ugin early, it gets pumped by forsaken monument, and should we already have forsaken monument out, it helps us gain life and stabilize.

On turn four we run four copies of Solemn Simulacrum. This card is excellent; a. It helps us ramp when it enters the battlefield, b. We love to use it as a blocker, because c. We get to draw a card when he dies. He's also a formidable 4/4 when we have forsaken monument out, and should we have forsaken monument out when we play him, we gain life.

On turn five, we have two copies of forsaken monument. This card is extremely powerful and worth protecting with our counterspells. This card allows us to play Ugin on turn six, but also gives us double mana from ANY colorless source to include land, which is why we run the main reason we run four copies of radiant fountain (along with the lifegain radiant fountain gives us when we play it), and it also pumps all of our colorless creatures +2/2. This makes a field of palladium myrs, stonecoil serpents, and solemn simulacrums very formidable and capable of ending games on their own. BUT WAIT, because their is more; on top of all this great stuff, it also going to help us gain life anytime we play a colorless spell. I've stated several times that the great henge may be the most powerful artifact in standard, but forsaken monument is quickly changing my mind about that statement.

Drum roll please... and of course we run three copies of Ugin to decimate our opponents. Planeswalkers this powerful are rare indeed. We can use him as targeted removal, we can use him as a one side led board wipe (because he doesn't wipe our mostly colorless colorless creatures) and his ultimate ability normally gives us not only all kinds of neat stuff from our deck, but also another fresh copy of Ugin.

In our wishboard we run a bit of graveyard hate for the cycling menace that lurks best of one games. Sorcerous spyglass to shut down activated abilities we don't want our opponent using against us. We run a few more counter spells should we be playing against control, we run a chromatic orrery for fun, and of course we run one copy of Ugin if for some reason we couldn't find him in our deck with all the drawing and scrying we do.

Thanks for checking out my deck and my deck guide. I believe this deck is very competitive, but it's early in the new meta and still may need a tweak or two. If you like it, check out my other decks as I truly believe I have something for everyone. If I don't have something that fits your playstyle challenge me to create something for you. If there is a card, cards, or general deck theme you'd like to see in action, please do not hesitate to ask me, as I'd love to brew it up for you. I'm super excited to bring y'all even more fresh brews involving the new set and y'all should expect more this very day. Thank you all for all the support I've received since I began posting decks, and know that I'm not going anywhere. Of course, as always, good luck my friends!

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Hey golo, I do think the new Nissan is good. I'm out of mythic and rare wildcards, so unfortunately I won't be able to playtest anything at the moment, but I'll definitely build you a theory deck around her. Expect to see it today.

@grimm_86 nothing unfortunate about loving black more... if you couldn't tell by my handle, I'm a red player typically. Thank you for the support and I'll take any credit I can get. Having fun with MTG is what it's all about!
HI BILY what u think abaut new nissa ?she is good?can u bulid deck around her ?cheers !
Hey dude... I like this deck a lot. I like the write up a lot too. Unfortunately, I LOVE black more. I credited you for a Mono Black Spin-Off I made based on this build. It's super fun.

Y'all keep in mind, that with this new set the meta will shift several times within the next few weeks. What continent creaters say about a deck being "broken" right now can be jank within a few days. Decks I post are no exception to that rule.
@jollto13 because crystalline giant doesn't solve any of our issues. We use simulacrum and skyscanner as a way to ramp and dig for our real answers.
@poliussay, I'll be putting out an archetype within the next day or two that ruins both the mills decks and the landfall decks in quick fashion. Have no fear, anti-meta Billy is here. Too many people just netdeck cgb and merchant, so when I build decks that stomp theirs you'll rank easy and that how the meta will change.
Instead of a Skyscanner and maybe of a solemn simulacrum, some crystalline giants? And how do you mulligan with this deck, in ranked I don't get such high wr
@polhusay, I counter them, and if I can't, I'll bounce them, until I can board wipe with Ugin.
@BillyRed how do you combat early crab and/or lotus cobra?
@Jollto13 Bonder's enclave was in the original deck theory, but was cut because mazemind tome does the same thing, only better in my opinion. Running too much colorless mana also makes it quite difficult to cast our counter spells that require two hard blue mana. Shadowspear, is an excellent wishboard card that could and perhaps should be added. Thanks for your comments and ideas as they are most welcome. I'm glad you enjoy the deck!
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Last Updated: 22 Sep 2020
Created: 18 Sep 2020
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22 12 17 9 0
1 3 4 7 0
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