Arena Standard - Sultai Kicker? in standard? yes.

TCGPlayer $31
Cardmarket €13
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 20 invalid cards for this format: Skyclave Relic (ZNR), Temple of Malady (M21), Temple of Deceit (THB), Vine Gecko (ZNR), Lullmage's Familiar (ZNR), Verazol, the Split Current (ZNR), Inscription of Abundance (ZNR), Inscription of Insight (ZNR), Jace, Mirror Mage (ZNR), Shell Shield (ZNR), Reclaim the Wastes (ZNR), Coralhelm Chronicler (ZNR), Skyclave Shade (ZNR), Throne of Makindi (ZNR), Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR), Roost of Drakes (ZNR), Bubble Snare (ZNR), Temple of Mystery (M21), Fabled Passage (M21)
Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Creature (12)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The vine geckos and shades are the mvps of early game and the roost of drakes can start to get big. By using gecko with the shell shield it gets a 1/1 and +0/+3 and hexproof till end of turn at instant speed for 1U. The recursion of the shades is so good against control matchups.

Among the other creaturs, verzol can work well as 2 drop to hold against 1/1's and then sacraficed with its ability to duplicate kicker or demoralize an opponent late game who thought the only had to deal with 2 or 3 power creatures. Lullmage's Familiar helps with ramping into a jace ahead of curve and the life gain is a nice bonus, and 4 toughness is great to keep it on the board. 

Chronichler is great to go dig for removal or creatures, ive won games because of what he lets me grab. Jace is your card draw, only kick it. not worth it to slam for just 1UU.

perhaps more inscriptions can be added to replace the relic, but if you get it going having big turns with roost on the board can go wide quick so every mana counts.

Speaking of mana, hopefully we get the full pathway cycle so I can remove the tap scrylands. Makindi is a good card in some matchups and really bad against agro. 

Every card is from zendikar rising, so this rotation proof lol

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