Arena Standard - Selesnya counters!

TCGPlayer $156
Cardmarket €100
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 17 invalid cards for this format: Invigorating Surge (M21), Fabled Passage (M21), Wildwood Scourge (M21), Lead the Stampede (IKO), Branchloft Pathway (ZNR), The Ozolith (IKO), Stonecoil Serpent (ELD), Bonders' Enclave (IKO), Conclave Mentor (M21), Oran-Rief Ooze (ZNR), Swarm Shambler (ZNR), Chainweb Aracnir (THB), Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR), The Great Henge (ELD), Basri's Lieutenant (M21), Heliod's Punishment (THB), Fearless Fledgling (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Creature (27)
Land (24)
Maybeboard 2 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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I'm been playing this deck a lot on mythic over the last two days with a 59% win rate. Honestly though, I seem to win and lose in streaks so the win % does fluctuate a lot. Seems good vs rogues, ok vs several decks but really suffers against doom foretold or control decks (e.g. esper dance of the mance with yorion). If you start off with ozolith its usually very strong (of course it offen happens that if you get the one you get the other at some point!!! :(). I guess maybe the deck should only run one ozolith.

I'm trying fearless fldegling now instead of the garruk harbinger. The reason is the number of hands I start with with too many 3-drops! Harbinger did work well on occassion and won me some games, so im sort of sad not to play it.

The deck is a lot of fun in general but I get dismayed when I'm on a losing streak. In one game I hit my opponent with a 34/34 trample (using the stone coil serpent with many counters and invigorating surge). Invigorating surge is a great surprise finisher, and can sort of be a green "counter" version of something like embercleave.

Turn two play needs careful thought since, whatever you play (vs red or black especially), is probably going to get a giant or some removal. Chainweb aracnir, although it doesnt open with a counter, has won me many games vs rogue mill, and it does come back with counters from the graveyard.

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The 3 mana draw card card lets you draw up to 5 creatures at once (not just one). Its basically a refuel. I'm only running two because I only want one or less in the opening hand. It's not supposed to be an early game card. You can of course run other creature synergies, but then you are just playing on your opening hand. Three mana draw 5 is really good, and I least get 2 creatures on most of the searches. I have drawn 5 on one occasion, which was too much for my opponent. And thanks!
I am sorry but I am not paying 3 mana to search my deck for creatures. Otherwise, decent list.
Last Updated: 26 Nov 2020
Created: 25 Nov 2020
197 314 2

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
17 16 26 1 0
0 0 0 0 0
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