Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11) | |||
$1.92€2.650.03 | |||
$6.19€5.850.24 | |||
$1.25€0.54 | |||
Planeswalker (6) | |||
$6.59€2.870.17 | |||
$4.42€2.490.02 | |||
Creature (18) | |||
$18.57€14.452.09 | |||
$19.89€14.800.02 | |||
$0.20€0.140.03 | |||
$6.84€5.340.02 | |||
$0.20€0.110.03 | |||
$0.51€0.730.03 | |||
$4.00€3.030.03 | |||
Land (25) | |||
$16.38€15.220.17 | |||
$1.19€0.880.02 | |||
$17.69€17.590.57 | |||
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Learn more Download For WindowsThis isn't a new deck, I've seen a few iterations of the deck on the queue. It isn't rank tested, but judging by what ranked has been like the last few months, it wouldn't hold up too well just because it is so slow. I've put a little twist on what I expected the traditional deck to be like. It still abuses the Roil and land interaction, but with less land than usual.
The Changes
So what's different? The As Foretold, as a one of is a bit of a weird flex I'll admit, but hear me out. It doesn't do much honestly, if you pull it early its a turn where you could play a Reef, but if you don't have the reef, having this tick up can be useful to play out a planeswalker on turn 8 and still focus on the mill plan. To be honest it can easily be replaced by another Healer of the Glade that would certainly let the game end quicker. For me, it's been useful in one or two games that I've pulled it instead of a Reef, when it ticks up it just allows for a greater dumping of cards and a quicker win. I can't imagine a world where it either stays on the board long enough to get better value than th Glade would, but it was something I wanted to use for a while. The Ashaya as an expensive elemental feels a bit odd, but the combo with Nissa and the Roil make it fit nicely and I think it certainly deserves a place in the deck.
There are counter spells, honestly the Tales' End isn't great, at first they were included so I could end my combo, obvious Reef doesn't draw cards so milling out isn't a problem, but I've had a few games where countering an ability they cast or a planeswalker has been nice. The Disallow on the other hand can be useful just to counter something, unlike the End it is rarely a dead card since there is always something to counter. The Pact of Negation is certainly the risker counter and can honestly be used in place of the other two since you are likely to be able to pay for it by turn 5 or less. It has saved me a few times, it keeps the pressure on the opponent and honestly it is such a tilt. Being mana effiecient and being tapped out most of the time, people never expect you to be able to counter something big.
The Planeswalkers
It's common for the Jace, Weilder of Mysteries to be in the deck since it is the main win condition, it can be used as a one of it you want to risk the chance of being countered or being milled. The Unraveller of Secrets is a bit clunky, the card draw and scry is nice if the opponents manage to clear up the board, it can easily swing the lead back if you lose it. If you're under pressure the bounce can be nice, since the deck doesn't have answers past a couple of counters and mass blockers. The Ultimate can be really obnoxious though, it ensures that you will be able to play uninterrupted since it's rare for them to keep counters in hand with all the threats you are playing. It slows the opponent down as well, since on their turn they'll have to play something to be countered first and then what they wanted to do.
Nissa is just value, get the Ultimate off with an Ashaya on the board and you have an indestructible board state (not the tokens), you have enough mana to play out the Omniscience earlier than turn 10/11, there is also the obnoxious amount of mana she produces with her passive.
What to Change
So cards you can cut, As Foretold, Tales' End and Disallow they can be replaced with either Pact of Negation's, more lands or elementals to keep the deck flowing nicely which will take you back to the traditional style the deck plays out. A few Jace's and the Nissa's aren't that needed, they can be dead cards, but they do over a power spike in pressure and can be turning points if you fall behind. It's nice to be able to abuse Nissa's passive to just empty your hand and deck alike in the space of a turn.
I've played probably around 10 games with this deck in the normal historic ladder, I think I managed a 80% WR. The deck will lose to a godlike aggro hand, but can do well against slower decks. Risen Reef is quite the key part of the deck for ramping and to get to the win condition, but I've tried to make it balanced enough that it should be able to win even if they get killed (which they will). I wouldn't reccomend the deck for ranked, since it is far to slow to match up against goblins and Ugin/Ulamog decks would absolutely destroy any board presence. But it is definitely a fun deck to tilt enemies.
Sorry for the essay, I always write too much on my decklists knowing full well that no-one ever reads them. But I don't stream or capture any of my games so I like to interact a little bit. If you guys enjoy my decks feel free to leave a comment on how to improve or how you got on or follow me to give me some motivation to build some decks. That's enough shilling for attention.
When it doubt, Jank it out.
22 | 8 | 23 | 7 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |