Arena Standard - Birbman Mystic Mill v1.1 (Bo1)

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  • Deck contains 6 invalid cards for this format: Chart a Course (XLN), Dive Down (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), Blink of an Eye (DOM), Wizard's Retort (DOM), Psychic Corrosion (M19)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (33)
Land (23)
Maybeboard 12 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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:: Birbman Mystic Mill ::

Based off my other version of the Murmuring Mysticimage deck where, instead of milling your opponent, you make a ton of annoying buffed birds and hit people with them. The birbs are a bit weak to trample but do well against decks like white weenies and merfolk if you can make it to turn 4 or 5. 

I've had a great time messing around with this deck so hopefully fellow lovers of jank out there can have a good time as well.

A quick note, the early game is a balance between getting your mill enchantments on the board while still countering your opponent's threats. Knowing what your opponent is able to do, with the mana they have available, will make the deck work a lot better for you.

Should also add that trying to make this deck a 7 win grinder in Constructed Event is probably a lost cause, it is just for fun. So if you have the cards or some extra wildcards, I definitely recommend people give this deck a try. If you are looking for a semi competitve mill deck I recommend checking out a UW mill deck like this deck from SaffronOlive. My deck is lacking board clears and early removal, which white offers a lot of. You could of course add things like River's Rebukeimage, but then you are just hoping to make it to late game to reset the board.

P.S. - If Diamond Mareimage was a bird and not a horse then I would use it... are there any cards that turn horses into birds? hmm...

:: Updates ::

v1.1 :: Waifu;Gate took a look at the deck and dropped a Psychic Corrosionimage, Negateimage, and Essence Scatterimage for 3 Spell Pierceimage.


Starting to think in order for this deck to do well in the current meta it needs Silent Gravestoneimage and/or Sentinel Totemimage. There are way too many Golgari and Izzet Drake decks that you end up fueling without some form of graveyard hate. Going to do some runs with Silent Gravestoneimage and see how things go.

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I'll have to give that a try LOL
Maybe Metamorphic Alterations instead of Quasiduplicate? Turn your birbs into more mystics, or turn opp's Niv Mizzet into a 1/1.
Last Updated: 13 Apr 2019
Created: 27 Nov 2018
3631 149 2

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