Creature (15) | |||
$1.05€1.150.13 | |||
$0.25€0.200.03 | |||
$10.54 | |||
$52.29€40.190.48 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12) | |||
$0.35€0.300.02 | |||
$0.20€0.100.03 | |||
$0.15€0.050.03 | |||
Planeswalker (10) | |||
$1.58€1.500.02 | |||
$2.22€2.840.07 | |||
$0.99€0.720.02 | |||
$1.81 | |||
$2.20€1.610.02 | |||
Land (23) | |||
$0.710.03 | ||
$1.570.03 | ||
$1.090.03 | ||
$3.250.09 | |||
$5.952.40 | |||
$2.69 | |||
$16.88€17.127.02 | |||
$5.39€4.180.15 | |||
$1.76€0.830.02 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsThis is a casual deck, with the intention to stack planeswalker emblems.
The goal is to get Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider in play and survive long enough to get at least one planeswalker down. With Vorinclex in play, the planeswalker can trigger their ultimate ability immediately on resolving, without any further chances to remove them or their loyalty. No longer is there a need to wait for slowly ticking the planeswalker's loyalty up. The deck is full of mana sources, to allow Vorinclex to come out ASAP or in late-game to get Vorinclex and a planeswalker out on the same turn.
Kaya the Inexorable -- Likely the strongest card with Vorinclex in play, resolving Kaya and hitting her ultimate allows returning a Vorinclex or Kaya to the battlefield at the start of each turn, if the opponent is able to remove either of them. Unless the opponent can act quickly, the exile ability alone will lead to a win, although that causes a long, grindy game.
Prior to Vorinclex hitting the table, Kaya adds a layer of defense, causing an additional blocker to be produced each turn, and allowing ETB effects on Gilded Goose and Llanowar Visionary to repeat. The additional food tokens can extend the game giving further time for Vorinclex to be found or allow Kaya to hit ultimate naturally, and start exile cycling herself. Significantly better after Vorinclex is on the board, still a strong card earlier in the game and easy enough to hit ultimate she's worth getting down early.
Liliana, Waker of the Dead -- Second to Kaya, Liliana allows returning Vorinclex if the opponent does kill it off, allows for a free block each turn, or allows stealing the opponent's dead creatures.
Prior to Vorinclex hitting the table, Liliana is one of the weaker planeswalkers in the deck. She often can kill off a single creature, but her +1 ability often is doing more harm than good without additional pieces in place.
Basri Ket -- Basri Ket's ultimate emblem yields both a token creature each turn, and +1/+1 counters on all creatures. When Vorinclex is in play, this works out to a free 3/3 each turn, with all creatures regularly growing. Removing Basri on his immediate ultimate has good synergy with Kaya the Inexorable, and allows for another copy of his emblem each turn.
Prior to Vorinclex hitting the table, Basri is both good at building some defense, and a good distraction to redirect damage and keep life total high.
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman -- Garruk, Cursed Huntsman's ultimate ability is nice, but not as much a game-changer as the other planeswalkers. Garruk is often just as good prior to Vorinclex landing, allowing some amount of removal and a significant distraction for the opponents. Given a choice between planeswalkers to play, this Garruk is the one best played prior to Vorinclex, while is the worst to play once Vorinclex is down.
The wolf tokens this Garruk creates do have good synergy with Garruk, Unleashed.
Garruk, Unleashed -- Garruk, Unleashed's ultimate ability is another that allows replacing Vorinclex if it gets removed. It could also be used to dig for Vorinclex, but at +3, unless there are wolves running around to give more loyalty, it's unlikely to be able to hit in time to make a significant difference. Once Vorinclex is in play, the ability is used for first getting Esika, God of the Tree in play to make Vorinclex vigilant, and then used to create more mana and blockers, or to recover quickly after board wipes.
This Garruk is the least strong overall planeswalker in the deck. His emblem is nice, but the deck doesn't have sufficiently powerful creatures to make it very powerful. If needed to extend the game prior to Vorinclex landing, he's more worth playing than the non-Garruk planeswalkers.
Beyond the planeswalkers, the deck is stacked with two types of cards: Mana producers and direct removal. These are used early to extend the game long enough that the power cards can do their work.
Esika, God of the Tree is a special card in this set. With the various mana producers available, it's frequently possible to cast Esika as The Prismatic Bridge. Often, this can be a good choice, giving additional blockers and thinning the deck, and getting powerful planeswalkers onto the battlefield while digging for Vorinclex. The board state and opposing deck should be considered carefully to determine if a vigilant mana-producing blocker now or more future creatures is better. Later in the game, The Prismatic Bridge is often the best choice, frequently producing free planeswalkers, but also regularly doing nothing more than sending a legendary card to the graveyard.
A powerful deck, this deck isn't particularly strong. It relies too much on a single card for its power, without the ability to quickly dig for that card, leaving significant variance preventing it from performing well regularly. It does have the ability to succeed without Vorinclex, but the games that go that direction tend to be more of a grind and a lot of trying to keep planeswalkers alive long enough to get work done.
IF you want to have fun with powerful cards and lots of seldom-used crazy abilities, this is a good deck. If you're looking to win 70% of your games, this may not be for you.
16 | 0 | 28 | 16 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |