Standard - Bant Control [Bo3]

  • Deck contains 28 invalid cards for this format: Settle the Wreckage (XLN), Glacial Fortress (XLN), Sunpetal Grove (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), Memorial to Genius (DOM), Hinterland Harbor (DOM), Seal Away (DOM), Cleansing Nova (M19), Temple Garden (GRN), Chemister's Insight (GRN), Teferi, Hero of Dominaria (MED), Syncopate (GK1), Angel of Grace (RNA), Wilderness Reclamation (RNA), Absorb (RNA), Growth Spiral (RNA), Hydroid Krasis (RNA), Frilled Mystic (RNA), Breeding Pool (RNA), Hallowed Fountain (RNA), Ixalan's Binding (XLN), Spell Pierce (XLN), Lyra Dawnbringer (DOM), Knight of Autumn (GRN), Disdainful Stroke (GRN), Devious Cover-Up (GRN), Crushing Canopy (UMA), Mass Manipulation (RNA)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Creature (9)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (25)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

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 B A  N T   C O N T R O L 


Bant control with a focus on shutout using Flash / utility creatures and counterspells.
Still undergoing testing.  Tailored for Bo3, but also viable for Bo1.
Sideboard is still being tweaked to suit the meta.  Matchup related notes will be added over time.

After having played this deck extensively in both ranked Bo3 queue and ranked Bo1 queue, I decided to test it out in Bo1 Constructed Event.
Delightfully surprising result: 7-0 run ICRs.


Deck seems to do well versus most burn decks and even RDW with the inclusion of 4x Revitalizeimage instead of 4x Optimage.  Being able to play a Frilled Mysticimage as a counter on curve is powerful, and provides a relevant body that you can block with.  Growth Spiralimage is relevant even in these matchups, as being able to cast Cleansing Novaimage or Angel of Graceimage on turn 4 can mean the difference between life and death.
OUT - 2x Hydroid Krasisimage and 2x Chemister's InsightimageIN - 2x Knight of Autumnimage, 2x Lyra Dawnbringerimage.  Casting Krasis for lower amounts of mana is fairly inefficient compared to putting a Lyra on the board on turn 4 (thanks to Growth Spiralimage).  Chemister's is also just too slow here, and you'll most probably find yourself either answering a threat or countering a spell in an effort to stabalize.  Knight is very useful in these matchups, whether you're looking to gain life, establish a blocker, sponge up a removal spell or, perhaps most importantly, destroy an Experimental Frenzyimage or Flame of Keld.
I haven't been matched against many mono blue decks when testing this list, so it's fairly difficult to formulate concrete opinions on the matchup.  Overall, in my experience, this list has performed exceptionally vs mono blue.  It's fairly difficult to beat out a mono blue deck that manages to push out a cheap creature on turn 1 and a Curious Obsessionimage on turn 2, but with careful use of your counterspells it is possible to come out the victor.
OUT - 1x Chemister's Insightimage.  1x Cleansing Novaimage and 1x Settle the Wreckageimage.  IN - 2x Crushing Canopyimage, 1x Spell Pierceimage.  I've found that multiple Chemister's is often detrimental in the tempo matchup, and Nova is far too slow, while Settle is thwarted by a Siren Stormtamer activation.  Canopy is an excellent card for crushing a flier or disposing of a Curious Obsessionimage.  Pierce is always helpful in a counterspell war and can help secure your key spells.
This deck will do fairly well against Gates if you know to counter the right spells.  Syncopateimage and Settle the Wreckageimage are key cards here, as they will exile Gate Colossusimage when it's played and when it attacks respectively.  Ixalan's Bindingimage is probably the biggest sideboard card for this matchup, at least in my experience.
OUT - 4x Optimage and  1x Spell PierceimageIN - 2x Devious Cover-Upimage, 3x Ixalan's Bindingimage.  Pierce feels less useful as Gates decks can ramp in mana very quickly, and the matchup is slow enough that card selection from Opt less valuable.  Counterspell recursion seems fairly strong here, and games in this matchup can go on for quite a while, so Cover-Up should be quite useful.  Bindings are huge against Gates if you're able to protect them.
I've played against a number of Esper control and, surprisingly, Grixis control lists with this deck.  It can be incredibly difficult to deal with a barrage of Thought Erasureimage, and Duressimage in the post-sideboard games.  Sometimes it can just come down to the quality of your draws.  As is true for most control mirrors, more counterspells will help a lot.  I've actually found more success in these matchups with more copies of Angel of Graceimage in the deck, as it is often difficult for control decks to answer both a big-bodied Flash-in threat and a Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage or Wilderness Reclamationimage on the next turn.
OUT - 4x Optimage, 1x Settle the WreckageimageIN - 2x Crushing Canopyimage, 2x Disdainful Strokeimage, and 1x Spell Pierceimage.  Both Revitalize and Settle are mostly dead cards in the control mirror.  Canopy will help dispose of troublesome Enchantments like Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage, while also serving as an answer to Thief of Hopeimage that some Esper players like to sideboard or even mainboard.  As usual, Stroke and Pierce will help win counterspell wars, with Pierce especially being an MVP in this matchup.


08/02/2019 - Removed 4x RevitalizeimageAdded 4x Optimage.  This change should have been logged a while back.  Opt is just far more useful for improving the quality of your draws throughout every stage of the game, whereas Revitalize is only really useful against aggro and burn.  I recommend running 4x Revitalize in Bo1 and 4x Opt in Bo3.
- Removed 1x March of the MultitudesimageAdded 1x Frilled Mysticimage.  Tentative change.  March has won me a number of games in the past, but the inclusion of 4x Mystic is far too good to pass up.  March sometimes ends up being a dead card, whereas Mystic is almost always useful.
05/02/2019 - Manabase tweaked - Removed 1x ForestimageAdded 1x Glacial Fortressimage.  Small change made to help with the need for U and W in the early turns.  Fortress should be able to come in untapped fairly often with this setup.
04/02/2019 - Removed 1x Angel of GraceimageAdded 1x Hydroid Krasisimage.  A seriously tentative change.  Angel of Grace has rarely ever disappointed, but I've experienced a lot of flooding with the deck.  Krasis is a great card that provides a payoff for flood while also providing a respectable body.
- Removed 1x Precognitive Perceptionimage Added 1x Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage.  Perception hasn't been anywhere useful in the way that I had envisioned.  A third Teferi should help, especially considering the amount of removal in the current meta where it's often difficult to secure a key creature or Planeswalker.
- Removed 1x NegateimageAdded 1x Absorbimage.  Negate hasn't been performing exceptionally well, and there have been plenty of situations in which I wish I had Absorb instead.  Might make room for Negate in the sideboard in future.
- Removed 1x Dream EaterimageAdded 1x Chemister's Insightimage.  Eater has been incredibly mediocre in most matchups.  Insight synergizes well with Reclamation and helps gain card advantage in the midgame.
- Removed 3x Sinister SabotageimageAdded 3x Absorbimage.  I've always preferred Absorb to Sabotage, but seeing so many SCG Indianapolis lists running 4x Absorb really reinforced my thinking on the matter.  3 life can make all the difference when facing burn and aggro decks, and I don't think that Sabotage can really compare.
27/01/2019 - Removed 3x AbsorbimageAdded 3x Sinister Sabotageimage.  A few people have commented on how Sabotage is far more useful in Bo3 compared to Absorb due to the Scry, so I figured I would implement the change and do some testing.
18/01/2019 - CREATED.


31/01/2019 - This list was initially built with 3x Absorbimage, then later changed to include 3x Sinister Sabotageimage instead.  After a bit of testing and looking into SCG Indianapolis lists, I'm not convinced that the Scry 1 of Sabotage outweighs the 3 life gained from Absorb.










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@SoundofMadness I had briefly considered it, but I decided on Opt mainly because it frees up turn 2 for Growth Spiral on curve. I realize that Anticipate is far better going into the mid and late game though. I may have to try it. Thank you for the suggestion!
Just curious if you've considered anticipate possibly in place of opt?
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2019
Created: 18 Jan 2019
5793 459 2

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