Explorer - Screwdriver

Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Planeswalker (3)
Creature (3)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The "Screwdriver" deck is all about deleting your opponent's lands and putting them in a state of serious mana screw. 

Graveyard disruption is really well-positioned in Explorer, effectively messing with Boros Aggro, Izzet Phoenix, Rakdos Aristocrats, and most importantly, Greasefang. Mono-green Devotion is hampered as well, though the matchup is still a challenge. Leyline of the Voidimage is the perfect way to prevent your opponent from utilizing their graveyard in any meaningful way, and what better way to follow up than with a Fall of the Thranimage to send their lands to exile?

The early to mid game relies on gaining board stability with the Doom Foretoldimage package. Tithing Blade and Oath of Kaya try to keep things tidy, and Beseech the Mirror can bargain for Kaya's Wrath if things get dire. Elspeth's Nightmareimage provides extra value by providing an alternate source of graveyard destruction. Play Nightmare, then the next turn it peeks the hand for anything that might disrupt your combo so you're clear to play Fall of the Thran, and the next turn Nightmare deletes the graveyard just in time for Fall of the Thran's second chapter to return lands for you and only you. 

Wandering Emperor provides on-board value that doesn't require mana expenditure, Soul-Guide Lantern is good graveyard-deletion backup as well as a handy spare card draw. Containment Priestimage is present as a tech against Collected Company, Creativity, and Enigmatic Incarnation. It also has the handy effect of exiling flip-sagas like Fable of the Mirror-Breaker when they try to transform.

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Hey, if your MTGA handle is "myfishisbad" and you played against me at 2:20 AM Eastern using my own list, I just want to tell you that that was the single coolest thing to ever happen to me playing Arena, thank you so much!
Last Updated: 09 Dec 2023
Created: 12 Jul 2022
260 86 1

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 8 35 5 0
0 0 0 0 0
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