Traditional Historic - L.M.D Control

Main 80 cards (31 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Creature (20)
Planeswalker (4)
Land (29)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)
Maybeboard 18 cards (8 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Legendary Matters Discard (L.M.D) Control FINAL

This is the final version of this deck until a new set releases. I've essentially given every "discard a card" card a fair chance, and this is what works. We will be moving on to a new Deck "Tibalt Devotion" which will be worked on probably for the remainder of MoM. Ocassionally we may make small changes to this deck, though that's doubtful.

The following changes were made in this version

  • Added locust GOd. (in place of Drake Haven)
  • Back to 80 Cards
  • Deck is now exclusively UWB, but splashes red for prismari command and Crucias.

The deck should now feel more "control" with a bit of aggro. There is also less a feeling of "need " to discard and more of a choice behind the matter, especially with the 2 planeswalkers.


The Goal

You will control the board state with your removal and counterspells as you sift through the deck with your planeswalkers and other card draw/seek. You will discard card, draw cards and eventually establish your own board presence through the locust God. You will then specialize ambergrise W and attack all.

To Discard or Not to Discard (The Mechanics)

The deck mainly focuses on the following mechanics (Though learn is currently not in it . There are 2 learn cards even worth running in the tbh, maybe 3)

Channel, Learn, Discard,  Specialize, Draw X/Discard X, Madness, Connive, Seek, Return to Deck

The primary focus is on Discarding your own cards. However, some cards are added to the deck for utility (Jwari's Disruption , mainly for the land drop,  Thoughtseize).


In the sideboard you got some key cards to deal with artifacts/enchantments as well as to shut down lifegain decks , mill decks, affinity , freecasting  and hate on graveyards. 


Key Cards



When you've amassed an army of 2/2 Drakes, and have a decent sized hand you will attack with all creatures and boom bop wham. You will be using the Raugrin Triome in most scenarios to specialize this.


Moved to maybeboard. It is a very powerful removal spell , however it also often gets thrown into the grave to be retrieved later. The fact it is a sorcery is also a problem.

Powerful board clear, just discard as many lands or other junk as possible alongside Calim. As another example, say your opponent has four 4/4 Angels in play, you just happen to have 4 Blazing rootwallas. They cost 1 mana. You can discard all 4 of them to do..4 creatures ..EACH. Obviously, it's unrealistic that you will have 4 BLazing Rootwallas in your hand. But let's say you got 1 blazing rootwalla, 2 useless lands and a fiery temper.  According to gatherer , Nahiri's Wrath sees fiery temper as a 4 CMV card. That's 6 4 creatures. You then get to play the firey temper on any target. Obviously, this will get more powerful as the game goes on.



 Discarding your cards will create drakes. On side note, Lulu will turn drake haven into it's counterpart as whenever you attack with the drakes you will gain 2 life and your opponent will lose 2 life. Lulu is not in this version for the time being.


Sick of life gaindecks? Tired of those pesky free casting decks. USe this. Your opponents can't gain life and will take 5 damage if they freecast. Also , this shutsdown affinity decks because every spell they cast is an artifact that costs 0.

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Current Problems :
Deck is inconsistent, often slow and either mana flood or no mana due to bad draws. Tried 21 lands, didn't work. Went to the recommended 23, only getting lands. I remember this being an issue back in the day. Apparently WotC fixed the mana screw issues. Praise be.
Last Updated: 03 May 2023
Created: 01 Apr 2023
514 119 1

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
8 20 39 10 0
0 5 10 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.10
Recommended Lands: 35