Standard - U/R Izzet Fling 71% win rate

TCGPlayer $15
Cardmarket €11
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruin (XLN), Lightning Strike (XLN), Bloodwater Entity (HOU), Champion of Wits (HOU), Abrade (HOU), Strategic Planning (HOU), Supreme Will (HOU), Pull from Tomorrow (AKH), Cryptic Serpent (AKH), Magma Spray (AKH), Enigma Drake (AKH), Highland Lake (RIX), Secrets of the Golden City (RIX)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Creature (9)
Land (23)

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I have had great success against all ranges of decks, b/w vampire, RDW, B/R pirates, G/B explore. The only decks that can be problematic are R/G dinos, esper control and grixis control.


Against esper control never play your enigma drakes unless you have negate or cancel back up because of ixalans binding. against other control decks running champion of wit, dont counter it if its early on and you run the chance of grabbing magma spray. 

against merfolk play enigma drake early and apply pressure early. same goes for G/W cats and RDW.

You constantly keep counter spell as a backup and make sure to stall early as possible, your end goal is to fling a big drake. I have won so many different ways with this deck its pretty unbelievable. it has 3-4 win cons, cryptic serpent on turn 3 is possible and normally is game ending if they dont have a counter spell or removal. 


I can write a further in depth guide if I get enough likes. 

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Why are you running 2 Cancels and not 2 Disallows instead?
Is it joke-deck?
Because I dont have any idea how to play with this.
I lose everytime around 5-6 turn.
What i'm doing wrong?
Nice deck
Would Baral, Chief of Compliance be any good in this deck?
I've been playing this deck heaps, I love the wins you get with it, but the losses are usually brutal. It's all about burning up instants and drawing down for enigma drakes and using 12/4 enigma drakes to destroy souls.

I just won a game today by flinging the Enigma Drake at someone. It's an insulting deck when you beat people with it. It's the closest thing I've found to an old style direct damage fireball/earthquake deck.
Thanks for the guide. I think you got the likes. Time to update and write more in depth please :).
i have only played like 3 games with this deck and the only thing i can say so far about youre quick guide here is on RDW another way to win (im sure enigma drake wins pretty well) is to slow down a bit and focus on controlling the board with your burn spells, mainly magma spray, and counterspelling efficiently. Solid deck, i look foward to more wins.
I’d like to see a more in depth guide to this deck. I’m having moderate success, so I feel like maybe I’m not playing it to its full potential. I love playing it, however! Very nice deck.
I'm no strange to blue instant/sorcery graveyard shenanigans (my paper magic standard deck is UW cycling), but this is one of the best decks i've seen. Nice job!
update for Dominaria?
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Last Updated: 01 Apr 2018
Created: 31 Mar 2018
27431 136 15

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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
36 13
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
19 18 5 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.43
Recommended Lands: 24