Historic - Affinity Artifact Control

TCGPlayer $222
Cardmarket €186
Cardhoarder 9 Tix
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Creature (12)
Planeswalker (12)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (13 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Very cool BO1 Deck for Arena Historic. It really is a blast to play.

The main goal is to ramp into high end planeswalkers as effectively as possible. Best that can happen is Tezzeret turn 4 and then clean up the board with ugin on 5 or play the Karns and run away with the game.

The game often ends with too much different stuff on the board for the opponent to do sth. I seldomly won by attacking down, rather by having a sh** ton of artifacts out and killing with Tezz.

I played it alot while being on Platinum and I must say it was much more competitive than I expected, as the archetype is usually better suited for janky/friendly games. Spellbomb, sad robot, and big Ugin are the addendums from last releases that make a big change for the deck.

There might be more optimisations possible. I specifically went with an approach furthering the planeswalkers plan. Maybe you could trade the maps for Steel Overseer and kick Spellbombs for a one-drop (gingerbrute, maybe a wall, puppet).

Card Breakdown:


  • Stonecoil Serpent: Helps in an aggressive (flying) Format. 1-Drop oder 2-Drop in most cases.
  • Treasure Map: Just an engine to be more consistens. This card is just a blast to play.


  • Spellbomb: Little piece of interaction, very annoying for midrange decks if it just sits around. Lets you draw if not needed.
  • Ugin(s): Destroy main threats of opponent or clean up the board.


  • Mind Stone: Can be used to draw.
  • Sad Robot: Awesome in this deck. Can come down T3 and block aggro/midrange stuff.
  • Palladium Myr: Just a lot of mana (Almost everything is colorless). Also solid blocker to defend planesies for a turn.
  • Midnight Clock: Just added two, because I needed another three-drop-mana-dork to be more consistent in ramping. Also cool if game runs long, as opponents tend to ignore it for too long. Then if it is at 9/10 the opponent usually has other stuff to worry about (if all goes well :)


  • Tezzeret: Main Wincon
  • Ugin(s): See Above
  • Karn the great Creator: Access Wishboard and really dig into the control lock
  • Other Karn: Helps in going through your deck > Adds consistency


  • Bonder´s Encleave: Usually turned on in mid/late game because of Karn tokens and/or Serpent
  • Blast Zone: Might be good, never used it.
  • Fountain and Void help to get to (a good) turn 4/5
  • District: See Blast Zone

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Last Updated: 22 Jul 2020
Created: 22 Jul 2020
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