Standard - Anax-Gallia Gruul Adventures

  • Deck contains 5 invalid cards for this format: Stomping Ground (RNA), Paradise Druid (WAR), Lava Coil (GRN), Unchained Berserker (M20), Shifting Ceratops (M20)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (32)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Update 2/24:  Removed 2 ox, added another gallia and anax.  Was originally concerned that it would be too many legendaries but it hasn't proven to be a problem and the extra copies are usually welcome.  It further cements Gallia's card draw and interaction with Anax's satyrs.  Anax is a huge draw for removal, which often leaves larger things free to swing away.  Adjusted sideboard to better fit the meta as I see it.  Also took out 2 scrylands for standard lands, to help curve out more smoothly.

Update 2/23:  Just played ladder after a couple days away.  Updated the record in the title.  Can't remember what the 4th loss to.  Been facing mostly mono red and azorius control.  I at or close to tier 2 diamond.

I've removed 2 pelt collectors for paradise druids. 


This list has taken me from Gold to Diamond tier 4, going 19 and 3 in Bo3 over the last 3 days.

Last 3 match ups: mono red cavalcade: 2-0, UW control: 2-0, Simic flash: 2-1.

Decks this has lost to: mono white, temur adventures twice.


Card choices-

Adventure package: Card draw and utilities

Pelt collector: 1 mana for something that can become a threat?  Sure.  Might be removed later for an extra 2 copies of paradise druid.

Paradise druid: 2 of these (maybe 4 see above) not so much for ramp as for mana stabilization, though the turn 3 questing beast is always welcome.

Questing Beast:  obvious 4 of

Anax: I thought to myself, what edge does mono red have over Gruul, and how can we do it better?  Anax can repopulate the board after a wipe, and notably leaves Satyrs.

Gallia: Used occasionally in gruul lists for her second bit of text.  She card draw cards for you attacking in groups.  With a total of 32 in the main, you're going to find yourself having plenty of chances.  The +1/+1 gets ignored.  Not here.  In matches with boardwipe decks, you might hold her back, to power a line of satyrs.

Ox: decent power and recursion, potentially netting you an extra 6 cards.  Just remember to double check if there is a Narset on the field.


Phoenix of Ash: Sideboard in against control, provides haste, recursion, evasiveness, mana sink, and a dangerous target for embercleave.  Can help deal with a dream trawler by killing it or putting out more damage than the trawler can heal.

Lava coil: mirror, cat oven, rakdos, monowhite

return to nature: lots of decks may have something that you'll want to deal with, especially after sideboarding.

unchained berserker:  not a lot of mono white out there, but they are a hassle when you do come across them.

Redcap melee: red decks.  mostly to make quick work of torbran if he shows up.  Otherwise as long as you're patient, you will overwhelm them with better creatures.


I welcome feedback and your own results.  I can discuss why certain cards weren't used if anyone wishes.  Gruul has lots of good options, but many of them are one dimensional. 

About Kannonm

Hi, I'm Kannon.  I tend to specialize in mono red and gruul.  I'm always open to feedback on my decks or any questions you may have.

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Last Updated: 06 Mar 2020
Created: 19 Feb 2020
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