Arena Standard - Armed & Dangerous Budget Upgrade (2022)

  • Deck contains 17 invalid cards for this format: Fireblade Charger (ZNR), Alpine Meadow (KHM), Needleverge Pathway (ZNR), Showdown of the Skalds (KHM), Rune of Speed (KHM), Maul of the Skyclaves (ZNR), Dancing Sword (AFR), Shepherd of the Cosmos (KHM), Relic Axe (ZNR), Goma Fada Vanguard (ZNR), Usher of the Fallen (KHM), Halvar, God of Battle (KHM), Bruenor Battlehammer (AFR), Kargan Warleader (ZNR), Kor Blademaster (ZNR), Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant (AFR), Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (27)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Land (24)

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This is a budget deck upgrade for Armed & Dangerous, the Boros (R/W) Starter deck on MTG Arena unlocked through the Color Challenge.

This Deck Upgrade costs: 0 Common WC's || 18 Uncommon WC's || 0 Rare & Mythic WC's
All other cards in the deck, including the rares and mythics, are obtained for free from the other Arena Starter Decks.

This deck revolves around Warrior and Equipment synergies. Our goal is to pressure our opponent early with warriors and push through damage with our formidable arsenal of Axes, Swords, and Mauls. With some powerful budget Uncommon Warriors all in the 1-3 drop slot we can have a powerful curve of aggression that can be very difficult for our opponent to answer. 



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Starting off our formidable curve, we have Usher of the Fallenimage and Fireblade Chargerimage. Usher is a staple in aggressive white decks because of it's powerful 2/1 body. It's even better in our deck because it is a warrior and for 2 mana it can boast to create another warrior as well. Fireblade wears equipment extremely well and will often do a lot of damage with its death effect from being buffed, giving us some much needed reach to finish off our opponents through their board wipes. Kor Blademasterimage is another warrior that wears equipment, and buffs in general, very well. It also has the added benefit of providing our equipped warriors double strike, giving us the potential to unleash a lot of damage in the early turns. Goma Fada Vanguardimage is a 2/2, which is nothing special in and of itself, but it's also a warrior and synergizes well with other warriors to make our opponents' creatures unable to block. This makes it an excellent budget option for our deck. Kargan Warleaderimage is our Warrior Lord. Very powerful effect in our deck - 'nuff said. Bruenor Battlehammerimage gives us some nice upside for having our warriors equipped and gives us some flexibility in moving around that equipment. Our deck is topped off by [[Shepherd of the Cosmos], which is another warrior that will hopefully help us close out our tougher games. It can reanimate any of our 2-drops, including our equipment, which are all very powerful, and has some built-in evasion. We run 2 of these since we don't want too many but having a couple helps to recover from board wipes.



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 Dancing Swordimage is a 1-of rare in this deck. It's solid stats for a cheap equip cost and has some protection against removal thanks to its ability to become a creature if whatever it's equipped to dies. Rune of Speedimage is nice in this deck because it can enchant our equipment and make it so any creature we put that equipment on gets the benefits of the Rune as well. In a pinch we can enchant a creature as well if we really need it to get haste, plus it cantrips so we're not down on the exchange if it gets removed. Relic Axeimage is our best budget equipment choice at Uncommon. It gives our warriors +2/+1 and can be attached to a creature without paying the equip cost when it enters the battlefield. Maul of the Skyclavesimage gives us flying, first strike, and a solid stat increase - all while having the same attach clause upon ETB as Relic Axe. This is the best equipment available to us. Halvar, God of Battleimage and Icingdeath, Frost Tyrantimage are powerful individual threats in our deck that also double as good equipments for us. Halvar can be played either on its front side or its back side Sword of the Realmsimage, while Icingdeath only has one side, but when he dies he creates Icingdeath, Frost Tongueimage




Warriors have a decent amount of support in Standard 2022, and I have found the better upgrade path focuses on Warrior synergies rather than lots of equipment. We can upgrade the quality of our warriors while keeping the same deadly curve and consolidating our equipments into just a few of the strongest. As always, it is generally best to start with lands.



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There are two different ways to approach the lands. Going with Snow gives us access to Faceless Havenimage, but less fixing. Sticking with normal lands gives us access to Furycalm Snarlimage, Cave of the Frost Dragonimage, and running Shatterskull Smashingimage becomes more viable.



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I hope you enjoy this deck and that it serves you well. There's a deck tech video on youtube attached to this guide and I stream on Twitch here so don't hesitate to reach out :) I'd love to hear your experience with the deck. Good luck and have fun!

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Created: 05 Sep 2021
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