Arena Standard - Bad Boy Gaming modified

  • Deck contains 5 invalid cards for this format: Healer's Hawk (GRN), Ajani's Pridemate (WAR), Gideon Blackblade (WAR), Gideon's Company (WAR), Ajani, Strength of the Pride (M20)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (27)
Planeswalker (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (4)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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This deck is based on/inspired by a deck made by Bad Boy Gaming. I've made several modifications, mainly strengthening defense, but also some others here and there.

The original deck had no defenses (removal) whatsoever so if the opponent came up with any creatures you couldn't handle on the battlefield, tough luck. In order to remedy this, I've added 4x Banishing Lightimage to make the deck a little less fragile, but that's all there is, so they should be used wisely - this way they can make the whole difference between failure and success in a tight situation. In order to make room for these I removed 4x Impassioned Orator

The original deck also used Alseid of Life's Bounty, and although I appreciate Alseid´s ability to give protection from a color, I found that due to the 1/1 of this card, it was rarely useful as a lifegainer,/creature pumper, which is the main purpose of the deck, so I replaced the Alseids with 4x Soul Mender - with this card you can gain life even if you can't attack.

I also chose to include 3x Gideon's Companyimage - basically this is a 4-drop turbo-charged version of Ajani's Pridemateimage, growing twice as fast as the Pridemate, so although it can't be played until round 4 at the earliest, it can grow really strong very, very fast, something you'll often need to deter the opponents from attacking... which is also a goal in itself because of...

Ajani, Strength of the Prideimage - reach 35 life and you can wipe the entire opponent army.


Rough outline of the deck purpose and mechanisms

You should make sure that the opening hand has at least 1 Soulmenderimage or Healer's Hawkimage, since they are the keys to not only your life gain, but also the boosting of your main soldier force. If I get both of them in my opening hand, I play Healer's Hawkimage in the first round, since this will not only gain life, but also remove opponent's life.

Round 2 is time for Ajani's Pridemateimage if available, since it's vital to start "growing" as soon as humanly

possible. If no Pridemate is available, Daxos, Blessed by the Sunimage can be played instead - or two more 1-drop ilfegainers if available

If you have a Heliod, Sun-Crownedimage available for round 3, get him on the board now so he can start boosting your Healer's Hawkimage - or a Pridemate if you don't have a hawk. If you don't have Heliod available, Linden will be fine as well.

In round 4 of an ideal game, Gideon's Companyimage would be an excellent play, but if you're in a situation where you either don't have a Healer's Hawkimage on the board or can't attack because of opponent fliers, you may want to play Archon of Sun's Graceimage instead.

Of course, games rarely play out as ideally as this. The main thing to keep in mind is to maintain an unbroken line of lifegainers to tanks, meaning that if you lose your only hawk or soulmender, you should concentrate on replacing it immediately if possible, and if you lose your Gideon's Company or Pridemate, this should be replaced asap as well. If you have enough lifegain, you can afford to let the opponent attack for a few rounds without the situation getting critical.

The banishing lights, I try to reserve for fliers with deathtouch, witch's oven and stuff like that. Always keep your goal in mind: to reach 35 life, so that Ajani, Strength of the Prideimage can sweep the board of enemies - very often, this will mean the end of game.

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Last Updated: 27 Mar 2020
Created: 26 Mar 2020
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