Historic - BTE Ulamog

TCGPlayer $136
Cardmarket €122
Cardhoarder 8 Tix
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (22)
Planeswalker (7)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (23)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Do you want a turn 4 hasted Ulamog? Of course you do.

This is exactly what this deck sets out to accomplish: giving you an indestructible 10/10 body on Turn 3/Turn 4 - possibly hasted by Rythm of the wild.

You're probably thinking Ulamog is just a bad agent of treachery and you would be absolutely correct! But you're behind in the times, because Agent is no longer historic legal, *airhorns*. So, how are we going to cheat on mana? Simple, play BTE -> Lukka -> Ulamog and win the game.

You're probably wondering, does this deck win games? Yes, it's very niceeee. Ulamog puts the opponent on a guaranteed three turn timer assuming opponent is running a 60 card deck, and forces the opponent to block; Domri can use Ulamog as a battering ram for his -2.

If you're thinking Uro would be a good fit in these sorts of decks, just remember opponent is always luckier and you will Lukka into Uro 100% of the times that it's possible to do so.

Good luck to any using this deck; good substitutes for Ulamog include:

Yidaro, Wandering Monster - Never a dead card because it cycles back into deck to be fetched by Lukka

Drakuseth, Maw of Flames - Best fit because high damage output, but can be a dead card in hand if not enough red mana

Titanoth Rex - Can be cycled if neccesary, is an uncommon so should be easy to craft

Since all of the above are odd CMC cards you can use Obosh as your companion if you edit the deck slightly, I reccomend Gruul Spellbreaker, Bonecrusher Giant and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove.


Agent Standard Version (is bad and no longer legal lul):


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Last Updated: 01 Jun 2020
Created: 31 May 2020
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