Arena Standard - Budget // Orzhov Life Gain

TCGPlayer $30
Cardmarket €23
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 8 invalid cards for this format: Healer's Hawk (GRN), Kaya's Wrath (RNA), Mortify (RNA), Godless Shrine (RNA), Ajani's Pridemate (WAR), Bloodthirsty Aerialist (M20), Epicure of Blood (M20), Vampire of the Dire Moon (M20)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Creature (28)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Staple cards:

Ajani's Pridemant

Impassioned Orator

Bloodthirsty Aerilist

Kunoros, Hound of Atheros


Deck aim/playstyle

Although this is not a strict aggro deck it can build up steam very quickly, putting some threatening creaturs on the board by turn 4/5. Your idea open hand is a splash of some swamp/plains land and one, if not more of the staple cards mentioned above. Make sure you play Impassioned Orator before cards like Pridemate or Aerialist as you want to get the most value out of the life gain counters.


Deck strengths

-Can really ramp up in power very quickly with Impassioned Orator on the board as well as Pridemate/Aerliest

-Has a very strong midgame, Kunoros can be a real pain for the opponent to deal with on or close to the curve

-Good early game spot removal through cards like Murderous Rider/Mortify

-Revenge of Ravens can put opponents on the back foot and prevent aggro/minion heavy deck attacking


Deck Weaknesses

-Can really struggle to keep up power when Pridemates and Aerialists are removed

-Really struggles with card draw

-Longer Game control decks are a very hard match up with this deck.


Key cards to add

-Dawn of Hope (really helps with the card draw issue, no need to add more than 2)

-Linden, The Steadfast Queen is incredible in this deck and really boost the midgame presence (2/3 is a good amount to add)

-Heliod, Sun-Crowned is just an incredibly strong card from the Theros set and combos with every element of the deck (no need to add more than 2/3)


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Last Updated: 27 Jan 2020
Created: 27 Jan 2020
478 197 0

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