Arena Standard - Budget // Selesnya Enchantments

TCGPlayer $20
Cardmarket €15
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Prison Realm (WAR), Season of Growth (M20)
Main 60 cards (17 distinct)
Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (23)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Staple cards:

Setessan Champion

Nyx Herald

Season of Growth

Banishing Light/Prison Realm


Deck aim/playstyle

This is a very heavy combo deck that looks to buff cheap creatures with cheap enchantments to give you some big presence in the midgame. You want to be finding a couple of creatures in your opening hand, ideally Setessan Champion to play them on curve and then start buffing her with a ton of enchantments.


Deck Strengths

-Very cheap mana curve

-Can be very threatening during the midgame with a lot of power ramp

-Great card draw through Season of Growth and Setessan Champion

-Very effective against midrange-aggro decks


Deck Weaknesses

-As with any combo deck, if your combo card is removed it can be very slow to build back up to power

-A large amount of enchantments in the deck can mean it's hard to sometime find creatures

-Really struggles against long game control decks


Key cards to add

-Heliod, Sun-Crowned can be a great addition, he adds to the enchantment synergy and his lifelink ability can really help with longer matchups

-Bronzehide Lion is the first card I would put into the deck. It can help keep your combo creatures alive and adds more sustainability to the deck.

-Calix, Destiny's Hand Is a great planeswalker to add, he offers some more consistency with finding your enchantments and get provide some key mid-game control

-Siona, Captain of the Pyleas is a must-add when you have access to her. The ability to pull enchantments from your deck early is great and her soldier spam is great against more aggro decks.



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Last Updated: 03 Feb 2020
Created: 03 Feb 2020
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