Commander - C13: Evasive Maneuvers - Roon Blink

Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (91 distinct)
Creature (33)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (30)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (35)
Maybeboard 3 cards (3 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The following is taken from the Evasive Maneuvers insert:

Roon of the Hidden Realmimage is believed to guard the gate of an ethereal world. Raised in a devout family, the young rhox was drawn to warlike pursuits against his father’s wishes. Roon joined the infamous Herald’s Army, where he became a skilled fighter. But after a mistaken slaughter of innocents, he deserted and wandered in the wilderness. There he received a vision of the Hidden Realm and was told he was the keeper of its secrets. Called a blasphemer by some, Roon embarked on a pilgrimage to rally people to his cause. His compelling personality attracted many, and he became a prophet with legions of followers. Roon does not seek out conflict, but when he perceives a threat, he will eliminate it quickly and efficiently. For those who believe in him, he is a great guardian who will one day open the gate to eternal glory.


Peace stretches across the languid land… but not for long. The mists of time recede from the open field, only to reveal figures forged on the anvil of destiny. They are mighty. They are storied. They are legendary. And they are about to battle for supremacy.


Inspired by Unmistakable's deck tech found at Rain Of Salt 

NOTE: This link is now dead. The page has been deleted.

Since the articleand all of the quality writing with it, I will do my best to explan the deck in as few words as needed.

This deck revolves around EtB/CiP triggers. That is to say, creatures which do something when they "enter the battlefield" or as they used to say, "comes into play". Once we get value with these EtB triggers, we want to get additional value by "flickering" or "blinking" them with effects that exile the reatureand then return them to play. Our commander, Roon, has this as a built in activated ability. We also have the spells Momentary Blinkimage and Eerie Interludeimage to do this for us at instant speed. We have addiional support from our planeswalker Venser, the Sojournerimage, the creatures Brago, King Eternalimage and Restoration Angelimage, as well as the "end of turn" (EoT) trigger from Conjurer's Closetimage.


In addition to "flicker" effects, this deck also has ways of reusing cards in the graveyard, doubling each EtB trigger with Panharmoniconimage and tutorin creatures from our deck and putting them into play with Birthing Podimage and Eldritch Evolutionimage. While it would be nice to own a copy of Natural Orderimage, Eldritch Evolution does a fine enough job on its own.

The original deck that was posted on Rain of Salt did not ave any green ramp spells and used Signets instead. Green land ramp is far stronger, as artifact destruction is real. This deck is mana hungry with high casting cost creatures and big spells. It is vital that this deck play enough early ramp, and I fear my deck does not have enough.

In terms of removal, we want out EtB triggers ot help us out, but we also must have some alternate ways to remove Torpor Orbimage. This is why we have Qasali Pridemageimage, Beast Withinimage and Generous Giftimage. I highly recomend that you do NOT get too greedy with our tutors and make sure that you have a way to find Qasali Pridemageimage if you suspect a deck is packing Torpor Orbimage.

The game plan is rather simple:

Turn one play an EtB tapped land such as Halimar Depthsimage, Seaside Citadelimage, Krosan Vergeimage or fetch up a shock land and let it enter tapped.

Turn two and/or three cast some ramp.

Turn four we want our Cmmander ot come into play if possible.

For the rest of the game we want our commander to no longer have summoning sickness and to cast creatures for value, then flicker them. We want to jut out-value the table and eventually "Hoof 'em out". I only recently (August 2020) got a copy of Seaside Citadelimage from a pack of Jumpstart. We don't NEED Hoof to win, but it is fun to finally be the one winning with Hoof afterall of these years. The deck usedto just grind out value wins. Hoof has a way of closing games that the deck was missing before.

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Last Updated: 27 Aug 2020
Created: 10 Jul 2019
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