Commander - C15: Seize Control - Mizzix

TCGPlayer $62
Cardmarket €45
Cardhoarder 0 Tix
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (74 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (46)
Creature (14)
Land (39)
Maybeboard 5 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Seize Control

Mizzix of the Izmagnusimage rose from humble beginnings to a place of power by being the craftiest goblin in the forges. As she unleashes more and more spells, they get even cheaper to cast, allowing her to sustain her dominance.


From across the Multiverse they come, and chaos trails in their wake. Mighty figures of renown clash in battles for supremacy, with the magic of the ages at their command. They are legendary, and their deeds will be remembered. 


Mizzix of the Izmagnusimage

Each of the alchemists and artificers of Ravnica’s Izzet League is aided by dozens of attendants who endure extremely dangerous conditions while their masters remain at a safe distance. Mizzix began her Izzet career as one among many such attendants, but she quickly demonstrated a keen intellect that earned her a place at her own magical forge with her own squadron of attendants. Through a combination of natural talent, calculated political moves, and fortunate accidents, Mizzix has now risen to the highest position in the Izzet League’s court, occupying one of the seven seats of the Izmagnus.


Playing the deck

The “Size Control” deck is commanded by Mizzix of the Izmagnusimage, a brilliant electromancer from the Izzet guild of Ravnica. Her chief concern is casting spells: the bigger, the better. With this deck you’ll command the explosive spells and experiments of Mizzix’s guild to blast your opponents out of the water.

If you want to cast the biggest and baddest instant and sorcery spells around, Mizzix’s abilities help you to do just that. The more spells you cast, the larger the discount you get on the rest of your spells. With Mizzix on the battlefield, your spells with X in their mana costs can really pack a knockout punch, although they can be deployed in the early game if necessary.

With so few creatures in your deck, you’ll need to be wary of opponents with large armies of creatures. Play defensively and try to make allies while you’re building up. Many of your spells are instants, so wait until the last possible moment to commit to them. Having mana available on your opponents’ turns is a great way to deter aggression, even if you’re just bluffing!



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Last Updated: 25 Jun 2022
Created: 25 Jul 2019
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