Brawl - Dina, Soul Steeper Lifegain

  • Deck contains 38 invalid cards for this format: Malakir Rebirth (ZNR), Cosmos Elixir (KHM), Nighthawk Scavenger (ZNR), Witherbloom Command (STX), Prosperous Innkeeper (AFR), Blood on the Snow (KHM), Skeletal Swarming (AFR), Hive of the Eye Tyrant (AFR), Agadeem's Awakening (ZNR), Darkbore Pathway (KHM), Necroblossom Snarl (STX), Woodland Chasm (KHM), Snow-Covered Swamp (KHM), Westgate Regent (AFR), Lair of the Hydra (AFR), Shimmerdrift Vale (KHM), Valentin, Dean of the Vein (STX), Professor Onyx (STX), Nullpriest of Oblivion (ZNR), Snow-Covered Forest (KHM), Callous Bloodmage (STX), Lotus Cobra (ZNR), Mortality Spear (STX), Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider (KHM), Soul Shatter (ZNR), Druid Class (AFR), Ebondeath, Dracolich (AFR), Beledros Witherbloom (STX), Esika's Chariot (KHM), Feed the Swarm (ZNR), Toski, Bearer of Secrets (KHM), Binding the Old Gods (KHM), Blood Researcher (STX), Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR), Lolth, Spider Queen (AFR), Scute Swarm (ZNR), Witherbloom Campus (STX), Dina, Soul Steeper (STX)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 59 cards (46 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Creature (15)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (25)

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The deck focuses primarily on Dina's lifegain trigger, using life gained by cards such as druid class and curse of leeches in order to ping the opponent for some damage throughout the game.

Previous attempts to make this deck work included even more sources of lifegain such as dogged pursuit or pest token generators such as sedgemoor witch. However these were later scrapped by me due to how poorly they would perform on their own, or against more aggressive strategies which did not allow to comfortably set them up.

Another problem faced during the earlier stages of the deck was how terrible it performed against control, since the deck wasn't that fast. Due to these match-ups, I chose to play more aggresive cards such as Lotus Cobra (instead of arcane signet, as it can punch the face), Scute Swarm, Toski and Vorinclex. Additionally, ward costs of Graveyard Tresspasser and Westgate Regent can often result in two-for-ones against most single removal spells. Hopefully, these threats can help bait out the opponents interactions, opening the way for our powerful planeswalkers.

Against aggro and other midrange decks, our best shot is to attempt to achieve a better board presence than our opponents, either by creating through a combination of our creatures and planeswalkers, or by stalling out until we can find our Blood on the Snow or Meathook Massacre to stabilize. Wrenn and Seven, Druid Class and Dean Lisette can create huge creatures which can also help end any stalemate against creature based decks. We have a fair amount of removal, which can hit a wide array of targets, earlier versions used to have even more removal spells, but these were later changed for more threats, since I would find myself having hands full of removal too frecuently in my games, without an actual way of winning the game :p .

Most of my matches felt like chess games, trying to drain the opponents life and resources (card advantage being the most important IMO) whilst holding on to my own. A few games against control were won pretty early thanks to toski being an absolute boss, or cosmos elixir punishing our opponent for being too slow. On the other hand, Augur of Autumn was a complete champion during stalemates, and helped a lot with those annoying lands of the top of our deck (it makes a great synergy with the second level of druid class). All in all, I tried to make a deck that had cards that were sufficiently independent so that they could become threats without too much of a setup, whilst also allowing some convenient synergies, primarily from gaining life.

Finally, I want to mention the cards that I considered weakest, in case someone wants to exchenge them. Lotus Cobra can be very easily removed, it stands no chance against any deck with red, changing it for arcane signet or anything else would be understandable. I also beleive there is a case to be made about removing Druid Class, however, the level 3 has been incredibly relevant in many of my matches and it synergizes well enough with our commander, Wrenn, and Augur; so take that into consideration. Skeleton Swarming, similar to Cobra, is great against control, but lacking against creature decks, once I get my hands on a Glorious Sunrise I will try swapping them.

Suggestions and constructive criticisms are more than welcome and would be glad to hear how the deck performed for you. Good Luck!

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Last Updated: 26 Nov 2021
Created: 26 Nov 2021
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