Traditional Alchemy - Esper Midrange

  • Deck contains 31 invalid cards for this format: Emeria's Call (ZNR), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR), Hengegate Pathway (KHM), Vanishing Verse (STX), Hive of the Eye Tyrant (AFR), The Meathook Massacre (MID), Liesa, Forgotten Archangel (MID), Deserted Beach (MID), Shipwreck Marsh (MID), Shattered Sanctum (VOW), Citystalker Connoisseur (Y22), Forsaken Crossroads (Y22), Elspeth Resplendent (SNC), Obscura Charm (SNC), Raffine, Scheming Seer (SNC), Void Rend (SNC), Raffine's Tower (SNC), A-Triumphant Adventurer (AFR), Undercity Plunder (Y22), Herald of Vengeance (YSNC), Xander's Wake (YSNC), Bind to Secrecy (YSNC) Diviner of Fates (YSNC), Ray of Enfeeblement (AFR), Unlicensed Hearse (SNC), Skyclave Apparition (ZNR), Vanishing Verse (STX), Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Glutton (MID), A-Cosmos Elixir (KHM), Bind to Secrecy (YSNC)
Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Ninth version of this deck, after about forty matches, which has worked out best for me. Very consistent if you get the connive engine going, but plenty of options if that gets disrupted. Liesa, Forgotten Archangelimage really locks up the game, allowing you some big connives with Raffine, Scheming Seerimage. Xander's Wakeimage only gives out something useful once in a while, but it keeps you drawing your creatures when you discard the duds with Diviner of Fatesimage on the board. Unlicensed Hearseimage is devastating in the right match-ups. This deck doesn't need a lot of 4-ofs outside its main engines because of connive, but get to know what's in the deck, both pre- and post-sideboard, so that you know what you might be getting back with Diviner.

Don't forget that when you don't have Diviner out, you're not getting anything back from Raffine's discards. If they snipe Diviner on ETB, the connive is still on the stack, but you won't get something back from the discard, so it's just looting. Once you have 6–7 lands out, you can start discarding those to thin out the rest of your deck with Diviner. Also good even if you're low on lands, to sometimes discard your one in hand that's a tapland to try to get a non-tapland, or to discard the last land in hand to get two back with two Diviners on the board. The field in traditional Alchemy is very weak right now, so this has had around an 83% WR for me in Mythic top 1200.

About KingMerrygold

Got started on 4th edition in 1995, got back into it with 7th edition in 2001, got back into it again, competitively this time, with core set 2021.

Ex-hacker, ex-semi-pro poker player, now lawyer practicing art & entertainment law, criminal defense, and civil litigation.

My "fearless magical inventory" of holes I'm working on plugging:

1) I do not playtest enough with sideboard and often do not generally know how to sideboard correctly in specific matchups. I often over-sideboard.

2) When winning in a game, I sometimes get over-confident and allow myself to play into my opponent’s outs, whether that be overextending or using my removal needlessly.

3) I forget most of the cards I pass in Limited right after I pass them.

4) I sometimes tell myself that my bad play didn’t matter, because I would have lost anyway.

5) I sometimes tap my mana wrong and end up unable to cast a spell.

6) I do not spend enough time examining all the possible blocks in a combat and sometimes only take into account the one I would do, which is not always the correct one.

7) I sometimes over-value specific cards in play and do not play around removal.

8) I sometimes play the creatures in my hand from most to least powerful, allowing my opponent’s removal the optimal efficiency.

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Last Updated: 23 Jun 2022
Created: 23 Jun 2022
74 73 0

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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
7 2 42 9 0
3 3 9 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands