Alchemy - Food Fight Shenanigans

Main 61 cards (16 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Creature (7)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This deck was made in order to abuse the Overcooked card, by consistently getting the celebration trigger every turn its on the battlefield to eventually get enough food fights that you can remove any creature or just go lethal with the plethora of artifacts you can fling.


The ideal play for this deck is to slam a "Candy Trail" turn 1, "Welcome to Sweetooth" down turn 2, Overcooked turn 3, night of Sweets Revenge turn 4, and Spiteful banditry turn 5. If your hand/draws allow you to do this, you've basically already won the game.

The whole deck is filled to the brim with etb triggers that produce food or some other token value in order to make foodfights via Overcooked. You can look through your deck with Candy Trail and A Golden Opportunity saga if you need to find answers or an Overcooked, which is the objective most important card in the deck.


1. Total board control. Nobody likes their Shelly's or Atraxas being bombarded by food the moment they etb, but that's what you've gotta do. They will scoop, and you will laugh.

2. Big damage straight to the face. Because Food Fight allows you to choose ANY target, it's rather easy to lull opponents into a false sense of security by ONLY targeting their creatures with food fight until you have enough for lethal, then pulling the rug out from under them. Never had a person scoop when I did this to them, so this is probably the best way to win imo.

3. Aggro artifact rush. Because of the cards being used, this deck can actually be rather aggressive with the right starting hand. Hexgold Sledge can win a game almost singlehandedly, depending on the deck you're up against.


Solphim is good for the standard variant of this deck because it survives Brotherhoods End/Invasion of Karsus, but since we're using Spiteful Banditry and have extra mana thanks to Night of Sweets Revenge, it'll usually end up dead no matter what, but is still a viable option to replace something in this deck, even if just a one of. The damage doubling effect is way more important in standard than Alchemy, thanks to the power of Overcooked.

Remember that when you play Overcooked, players can't gain life anymore, so if you're in a predicament make sure to pop your foods before playing Overcooked, if need be.

Tough Cookie is a removal magnet, use it to bait those out and then sac in response to deal damage to them/heal yourself. It's a scam but in Red/Green!

Spiteful Banditry is your friend, if the boardstate is weird do not think too hard bout putting one down turn 3 or 4, it'll provide more value the longer its on the field thanks to its on kill trigger. 

Syr Ginger is included in the deck because the food fight trigger activates his +1/+1 counter ability since the sacced artifact hits the gy first; if you see a different card that would work in this scheme, Syr Ginger is probably the easiest card to switch out

Thank you for taking a look at my brew! 

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Last Updated: 18 Nov 2023
Created: 18 Nov 2023
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