Arena Standard - Graveyard Boners [v2 BO1]

TCGPlayer $118
Cardmarket €111
Cardhoarder 4 Tix
  • Deck contains 10 invalid cards for this format: Chart a Course (XLN), Drowned Catacomb (XLN), Dusk Legion Zealot (RIX), Mastermind's Acquisition (RIX), Stitcher's Supplier (M19), Agent of Treachery (M20), Hostage Taker (XLN), Vraska's Contempt (XLN), Golden Demise (RIX), Blink of an Eye (DOM)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (19)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (15 distinct)

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Yeah, it's another reanimator deck.  The focus on this one is consistency.  It's done me very well with a winrate of over 60%.  This deck has multiple answers to multiple threats in the current meta and just feasts in BO1.

So if you want a fun deck that is extremely consistant, please consider this.  Thanks for reading! :)


Stealing your opponents big threats with Agent of Treacheryimage and using it against them, using Lotleth Giantimage to go face, or decking yourself with Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage on the board.  


Early (T1-3):  Get creatures out.  1 or 2 is fine (avoid getting boardwiped).  Use Stitcher's Supplierimage, Chart a Courseimage, and Tomebound Lichimage to populate your graveyard.  The Lich, in particular, is a great blocker and stalls out your opponent from going full aggro on you.  Always try to get 1-2 x/1 creatures out to help your Massacre Girlimage wipe if you come up against small aggro.  Tyrant's Scornimage is good for spot removal in the early turns.

Mid (T4-5):  Use Blood for Bonesimage and/or Connive // Concoct to reanimate your big boys as apporpirate. 

Usually that's going to be Agent of Treacheryimage to take a big creature/planeswalker...but if you're feeling greedy, take their lands to handicap them out of a color.  If they have a bunch of creatures, set it up so that Massacre Girl
can wipe the board. 

Remember, Quasiduplicateimage is just plain evil when you target your Agent of Treacheryimage!  And the discard payment for casting it from the graveyard is beneficial for us. 

Don't forget, if you cast Blood for Bonesimage and sacrifice an Agent of Treacheryimage, you can select the sacrificed card as the reanimated card!

Late (T6+):  More often that not, opponents will fold when you've stolen all their good stuff.  But sometimes you'll need to re-animate your Lotleth Giantimage and maybe Quasiduplicateimage once or twice to really hammer in the damage. 

Sometimes opponents try to 'deck' me when I have 5 cards left in my library.  Little do they know that I can likely drop them down from 20 with a well timed pair of Lotleth Giantimage.

Tyrant's Scornimage is good here for picking up a creature you own at the end of an opponent's turn so you can recast it during your turn.

Really...just end it by casting Lotleth Giantimage, smashing face, and reanimating/duplicating it for funsies.


To be honest, it's mostly there for fun.  Since Mastermind's Acquisitionimage is there as a one of, it rarely comes into play.  I don't mind pitching it to a Chart a Courseimage if it helps my overall goal early in the game. 


Feel free to populate it with whatever you think is clever.  Or replace it entirely if you don't want to bother.  Just put in a Fblthp, the Lostimage or something.


This is a really fun T1.5-T2.0 deck to play.  There's a certain thrill to casting a blind Connive // Concoct and hitting your taget (Agent or Girl).  I've played this deck for awhile and used to run some other cards that are common in Dimir reanimator decks, so I'll discuss notable exclusions:

Fblthp, the Lostimage I hated when I had one on the board and another in hand.  

Thought Erasureimage We already have too many 2 drops and counterspells aren't as common as they once were

Scholar of the Agesimage Good for late game, but we are looking to end games, not continue them

Augur of Bolasimage Feels bad when you miss any instant/sorceries and you see a card you want to reanimate and are forced to bottom it.

Wall of Lost Thoughtsimage It's either this or Dusk Legion Zealotimage for a 2-drop.  It gets a ton of cards in the graveyard and it handles small aggro pretty well.  However it hurts Massacre Girlimage and runs into the same problem Stitcher's Supplierimage does, which is occasionally it mills our reanimation cards.  I've tried this deck with both and prefer the Dusk Legion Zealotimage just to make our deck heavier towards black than blue for the sake of the mana base.  But I'm not sure if it's the right call to be honest.

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@ruscabiass You are 100% right, you can only wish once. As I wrote, it's more of a 'cute' play than anything else. Though I did just win a long match with a Jace today. I'm not too worried about Mastermind being dead in the hand though, as we discard a lot in this deck and don't always have a Agent, Giant, or Girl to pitch. I'll always pitch the wish early (before Turn 4) if I need to. But drawing the wish if the game goes long (past T7) helps tremendously.
You are absolutely right, I tried some games and Kefnet was "slow". I also want now to remove the Scholar but at the same time I do not get one thing with your deck: once you use your Mastermind you cannot use it again. Am I wrong?
@ruscabiass - The issue I have with Kefnet is that on T4-5 you really want to be reanimating and Kefnet doesn't do anything the turn she comes into play. It's pretty crucial for this deck to be stealing by T4-5. If you can get an Agent out, your successive turns with Quasiduplicate or Blood for Bones on T5-6 is backbreaking for your opponent.

However, the few times I've stolen my opponent's T4 Kefnet and found a spell that I'd cast T5-6 were just hilarious!
Hello! I am using a similar deck (the one created by Mogwai) and I was trying to update it a bit.
What do you think about adding a Kefnet?
Last Updated: 23 Aug 2019
Created: 14 Aug 2019
2111 533 4

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