Standard - [GRN] Honor & Justice (Angels)

TCGPlayer $142
Cardmarket €112
Cardhoarder 6 Tix
  • Deck contains 19 invalid cards for this format: Settle the Wreckage (XLN), Adanto Vanguard (XLN), Clifftop Retreat (DOM), History of Benalia (DOM), Lyra Dawnbringer (DOM), Resplendent Angel (M19), Justice Strike (GRN), Swiftblade Vindicator (GRN), Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice (GRN), Deafening Clarion (GRN) Sacred Foundry (GRN), Response // Resurgence (GRN), Conclave Tribunal (GRN), Settle the Wreckage (XLN), Ixalan's Binding (XLN), Star of Extinction (XLN), Cleansing Nova (M19), Lightning Strike (M19), Deafening Clarion (GRN)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (6 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Just my version of the Boros angel tribal deck that's been rolling around in [GRN]. Chance for Gloryimage and Response // Resurgence was too good a combo to give up on in my opinion so I moved some of the utility around in the deck to make room for it.

(Sorry Response // Resurgence won't link... I literally copy/pasted from my decklist to make sure the characters in the name were right so it's just a broken dual card I guess.)

On top of that I'm running 4 of Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage because during the second combat phase in Response // Resurgence her effect triggers again.

Other than that the deck's pretty straightforward. Smorc it out, use your lifelink angels appropirately, support your creatures with Shalai, Voice of Plentyimage and Lyra Dawnbringerimage. Give out Aurelia, Exemplar of Justiceimage buffs to the right things to stay alive and trade effectively, and bait the valuable stuff for Conclave Tribunalimage and Settle the Wreckageimage.

Basic, valuable, and actually pretty fun to pilot given the vast number of different ways your interactions and synergies can work together! Give it a try, let me know what I did wrong (:

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Last Updated: 28 Oct 2018
Created: 08 Sep 2018
652 117 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
3 8 19 14 0
0 8 6 1 0
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