Historic - [Historic] The Eighth Plague

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Thassa's Oracle (THB)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Thanks to eldrazi_dragon on ThyrixSyx's Discord server for the Sage of the Falls/Locust God combo idea.

This is an update to my recent Izzet deck. There are only a couple of card changes, but the meme flavor changed significantly. Now we can go full throttle into The Locust Godimage creating a plague of locusts. The addition of Sage of the Fallsimage allows us to go infinite* swarming the board until we either: A) Overwhelm our opponent with a bunch of 1/1 flyers; or B) Draw into and play Jace, Wielder of Mysteriesimage or Thassa's Oracleimage to win.

Here's an example of Locust/Sage in action.

*while deck supplies last

Draw Cards:


TL;DR - Fire Prophecy has the benefit of being removal plus a ditch and draw allowing you to dump cards you don't need back into your deck to draw something else. Chemister's Insight makes a really good discard target for Thrill of Possibility and The Royal Scions +1. The Royal Scions are pretty easy to get to their ult considering they come in at 5 loyalty which is ridiculous for a three-mana Walker. Sanctum guarantees a 2x draw on your draw step triggering Alliance and Pyromancer immediately. Sage of the Falls is one of the main combo pieces here. Once it or another non-human comes into play, you MAY draw a card and then discard a card if you do. The MAY is crucial because it allows you to combo off without decking yourself. So if you have either Sage or Locust God on the field already, you can play the other, start making 1/1 Insects everytime you draw a card, and just keep drawing cards until you overwhelm your opponent.

Draw Support:


TL;DR - Between Alliance, Locust God, and Ominous Seas, you'll be drawing enough cards to pump out tokens by the buttload. Jace and Oracle will be another way of winning. Insight doubles your card draw letting you get to your stuff faster and pump out more tokens. Pyromancer is a 3 damage ping anything once you draw your second card each turn.



Spot removal with a scry to fix your draws. I definitely like it better than Scorching Dragonfireimage.

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Last Updated: 29 Aug 2020
Created: 29 Aug 2020
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26 12 18 4 0
0 0 0 0 0
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