Arena Standard - Hurkyl's superfriends

  • Deck contains 19 invalid cards for this format: Witness Protection (SNC), The Modern Age // Vector Glider (NEO), Otawara, Soaring City (NEO), Kaito Shizuki (NEO), Shattered Sanctum (VOW), Deserted Beach (MID), Borrowed Time (MID), The Wandering Emperor (NEO), Elspeth Resplendent (SNC), Sorin the Mirthless (VOW), Shipwreck Marsh (MID), Raffine's Tower (SNC), Inventive Iteration // Living Breakthrough (NEO), The Reality Chip (NEO), Cradle of Safety (VOW), Behold the Unspeakable // Vision of the Unspeakable (NEO), Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh (NEO), Mirror Box (NEO), Luxior, Giada's Gift (SNC)
Main 60 cards (27 distinct)
Creature (8)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Planeswalker (9)
Land (24)

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New revision of the previous Hurkyl deck, this one is actually close to viable, even potentially broken, but I haven't found the right combination to exploit this engine.

Hurkyl, Master Wizardimage - The heart of the deck. For every non-creature permanent type you play, you can get a card at the end of the turn. With Encroaching Mycosynthimage, every card becomes an Artifact in addition to its other types, so if you play an Artifact Enchantment, you get two types, so you can match one on Artifact (any permanent with Mycosynth) and one of the same type as you played (an Enchantment). Basically every non-artifact permanent draws up to 2. The previous deck exploited this on (mostly Saga) enchantments, but I realized you could do the same with planeswalkers, with much more powerful results. Even without Mycosynth peek 5 and draw a planeswalker you see is really good. And most enchantments are removals so you can get chain removals. But with Mycosynth, play a planeswalker, get a planeswalker and any kind of permanent is real nice.

Before Mycosynth Forging the Anchorimage is mostly used to find the Mycosynth. After Mycosynth it becomes busted, letting you draw all non-land permanents out of the top 5.

Stenn, Paranoid Partisanimage I usually play for planeswalkers or enchantments if I don't have Mycosynth. If I know Mycosynth is coming I'll use Stenn to reduce artifacts, to ramp into Mycosynth, then after, all permanents cost one less.

Witness Protectionimage is basic cheap removal. The only downside is a 1/1 chump can still be used to whittle away at planeswalkers.

Borrowed Timeimage more removal, this of the universal sort.

The Modern Age // Vector Gliderimage card draw/filtering and a body.

My biggest conundrum is which planeswalkers to play, I'm currently using the below. Kaito Shizukiimage is probably the weakest, I'll rotate it for Ichormoon Gauntletimage next time I play I think. Originally I had 2 gauntlets but that was overkill, but having a gauntlet with all those planeswalkers, you can get them to ultimate pretty quickly, or use negative loyalty abilities without killing your planeswalkers. The ones below focus on removal and token generators.

The Wandering Emperorimage - obvious.
Elspeth Resplendentimage - Pretty good, with the number of removal enchantments the -3 is basically removal, and the ultimate is easy with proliferation. The plus is used to buff all your tokens or the few non-token creatures in the deck.
The Eternal Wandererimage - fun card, covers all the bases, especially nice as board wipe.
Sorin the Mirthlessimage - obvious.
Vraska, Betrayal's Stingimage - obvious, proliferation especially good with all the planeswalkers though.

Loran, Disciple of Historyimage - with Mycosynth, returns any non-land permanent when played, and every incoming legendary (Stenn/Hurkyl and any planeswalker) returns any permanent from the graveyard. Generally you get enough cards otherwise that this becomes less great.
Inventive Iteration // Living Breakthroughimage - bounce, gets any permanent from graveyard with Mycosynth, then becomes a spell stopping flyer. Not really worth playing when you can play planeswalkers for this mana cost.
Behold the Unspeakable // Vision of the Unspeakableimage - similar to above, but with Forging the Anchorimage and all the other draw it's pretty easy to have this 7/7 and above.
Mirror Boximage - Not enough duplicate planeswalkers to make this worth it.
Luxior, Giada's Giftimage - planeswalkers can still be blocked, doesn't excite me much.

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Last Updated: 31 Mar 2023
Created: 31 Mar 2023
398 103 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
8 8 30 12 0
3 3 4 4 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.97
Recommended Lands: 25