Historic - Illumined Pounce

TCGPlayer $22
Cardmarket €17
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
Main 60 cards (13 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Creature (18)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (22)
Side 3 cards (1 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This is an updated White Weenie deck. The goal is to make Adorned Pouncer the king of the board. We accomplish that through Luminarch, Basri Kett, and Maul of Skyclaves. No Selfless Savior or Alseid because we don't mind the Pouncer getting killed so we can bring it back as a 4/4. 

The Healer Hawk gives us an easy 1 drop that can become a solid threat if left unchecked. Same with the Novice Knight, a 2/3 for 1 CMC that can become an active attacker with Maul or Cartouche of Solidarity. Otherwise, it helps protect Basri or our life total until something else can start to kill.

Thraben is there for the card draw and to be a blocker. 

Then we have History of Benalia to ramp up threats. The 2/2 knights it spits out can also become dangerous if Luminarch, Basri, or a Maul is on the board. They're suddenly at least a 3/3 with Vigilance. With the +2/1 bump from the Saga, you have something else that can get through for damage. 

Unbreakable Formation sort of serves as our board wipe. If the opponent can't stop us from going wide, we make everyone +1/+1 with vigilance and indestructible for the turn. This can work really well, especially in tandem with Basri's -2. You could go from three creatures attacking, to six, dealing, at a minimum, 12 damage. Can also come in handy if Basri is near ultimate and the opponent goes all in on their attack. You can make all your creatures indestructible, block, then hit back on the next turn with the Basri ultimate. 

May want to run Sentinel's Eyes over Cartouche, for the recurrence. 

Lastly, we have Declaration in Stone over Skyclave Apparition mostly for the easier time with Mana and not giving your opponent back a creature. It is more limited, since Dec can't hit non-creatures. But in dire situations you can create a token or two with Castle Ardenvale, Dec your own tokens, then get some card draw. Not going to happen often. But at least a little more flexible than Skyclave or Banishing Light. 

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Last Updated: 12 Mar 2021
Created: 12 Mar 2021
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