Arena Standard - Izzet Fable - Mythic #8 - Bo1 & Bo3

  • Deck contains 11 invalid cards for this format: Jwari Disruption (ZNR), Prismari Command (STX), Expressive Iteration (STX), Dragon's Fire (AFR) Goldspan Dragon (KHM), Shatterskull Smashing (ZNR), Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Den of the Bugbear (AFR), Hall of Storm Giants (AFR), Spikefield Hazard (ZNR), Dragon's Fire (AFR)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (27)
Creature (11)
Land (22)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)

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I'm really exited to finally make this writeup. I've been having a blast playing this deck, and its felt like by far the strongest deck I've played in this standard format. Currently my record is 25-3 (89% w/l) across Bo3 games all played in top 300 mythic. If you want to ask more about the deck or see my future deckslists, I'm @ascoozeme on Twitter :)

The Core


Ever since Jim Davis absolutely smashed the Pro Tour with Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jikiimage, many players (me included) have been salivating over the card and jamming it in every color combination and shell imaginable. The card creates 2 creatures, both of which will run away with the game if left unchecked by the opponent. The Goblin Shaman token is a Ravagan, Nible Pilferer that doesn't have to connect and the backside is a scuffed Kiki Jiki, Mirror Breaker, which turns out to still be extremely good. The rummage effect from the second chapter isn't huge, but it adds a value and consistency to a card that was already powerful. To maximize Fable however, it's important to have targets for the backside to copy. 

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Nobody who has gotten this far in the writeup is going to be suprised by the inclusion of Goldspan Dragonimage in this deck. It's a messed up card, acts as a 4/4 hastey flyer for 3 mana that ramps you. This deck has tons of ways to abuse the mana it gives you access too, and it closes out the game quickly. Bloodthirsty Adversaryimage is one of the best ways to use Goldspan's mana as well as a powerful target to copy with the backside of Fable. I've been incredibly impressed by the card, and would never consider cutting it. Wandering Mindimage is the best target for Fable: 6 cards deep is a LOT of selection, and it has incredible hits in the deck, including Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jikiimage itself.

The rest of the deck is interaction, lands, and everybodies favorite Izzet Cantrip:


Not only do you get to play the best card in Standard, you can consistently find it with Wandering Mindimage and recast it with Bloodthirsty Adversaryimage. This card should really be banned but for some reason it isn't, so we are playing it.


Discounting 2 Jwari Disruptionimage 2 Shatterskull Smashingimage and 1 Spikefield Hazardimage which I'm including as part of the mana base, the deck runs 15 pieces of interaction.

4 Voltage Surgeimage: Mostly a shock, but thats suprisingly good in this meta. Lots of planeswalkers and Fables floating around.
2 Fading Hopeimage: Fading Hope is back to being good again. Tokens are everywhere, and Runes is a deck.
3 Dragon's Fireimage: Nothing exciting here, just a 2 mana removal spell. Best option in Izzet.
3 Negateimage: Yep, 3 maindeck negate. Find a deck that doesn't run a good negate target, I'll wait. Also Goldspan.
3 Prismari Commandimage: Shock being good in the meta also makes prismari command good, hitting artifacts is crucial against Oni-Cult Anvilimage, Reckoner Bankbusterimage, and Esika's Chariotimage, and the other 2 modes are below-rate but add a lot of consistency. 


27 lands is a bit less then usual for Izzet decks, which tend to play 28-30 including spell-lands. Without Magma Opusimage or the now-banned Alrund's Epiphanyimage though, this deck rarely needs more then 5 lands. Plus, Expressive Iterationimage, Fable of the Mirror Breaker, and Prismari Commandimage can help you hit lands in a pinch. The manabase is otherwise pretty typical 2 Jwari Disruptionimage 2 Shatterskull Smashingimage and 1 Spikefield Hazardimage fill the spell-land role, 2 Den of the Bugbearimage and 2 Hall of Storm Giantsimage give you some creature-lands, and the rest is the legendary lands and basics. 


Esper Planeswalkers: 
+3 Seismic Wave, +3 Malevolant Hermit +1 Wandering Mind
-3 Dragon's Fire -2 Fading Hope -1 Voltage Surge -1 Prismari Command

Mono White Aggro:
+3 Seismic Wave +1 Dragon's Fire +1 Voltage Surge +1 Abrade
-3 Negate -1 Expressive Iteration -2 Fading Hope 

Izzet Goldspan / Jeskai Hinata:
+3 Disdainful Stroke +3 Malevolent Hermit +1 Wandering Mind +1 Dragon's Fire
-2 Fading Hope -3 Prismari Command -3 Voltage Surge

Selesnya Midrange:

+3 Malevolant Hermit +2 Disdainful Stroke +1 Dragon's Fire

-3 Voltage Surge -2 Fading Hope -1 Wandering Mind

Naya Runes:
+1 Dragon's Fire +1 Voltage Surge +1 Fading Hope
-1 Negate -1 Expressive Iteration -1 Wandering Mind 

Rakdos Anvil:

+2 Abrade +1 Wandering Mind 
-3 Dragon's Fire

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Great deck list. Undefeated at the moment. Could you add more sideboard matchups ?
Mono black
Mono green
Mono red
Etc etc
Don't know how you did it. But i copied your deck and lost 4 times in a row in standard.
Must be unlucky i guess.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2022
Created: 12 Apr 2022
1592 644 2

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