Standard - Izzet Spell - ZND Rising

  • Deck contains 13 invalid cards for this format: Crash Through (M21), Temple of Epiphany (M21), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Stern Dismissal (THB), Opt (M21), Shock (M21), Sprite Dragon (IKO), Stormwing Entity (M21), The Royal Scions (ELD), Miscast (M21), Ox of Agonas (THB), Redcap Melee (ELD), Embereth Shieldbreaker (ELD)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Creature (14)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (20)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Record: 34 - 8 // 81% Ranked

Deck is pretty straight forward - get your Sprite Dragonimage and Stormwing Entityimage down as soon as possible, but be careful for existent removal pretty much in all colors, I tend to save my Stern Dismissalimage to defend my flyers and Brazen Borrowerimage for tempo plays.

Magmatic Channelerimage has been very usefull doing some defense and then tapping to thin your deck and finding some spells that could help and getting rid of Lands you won't use.

The Royal Scionsimage help a lot as well, their ultimate can seriously hurt opponent's life total or even removing a big threath and filling your hand back.

I usually save Spikefield Hazardimage for boosting damage at the end when opponent is below 10 and usually I have at least 2 fliers on board by then. Then helps removing Uro on turn or 2 if they happen to use Gilded Goose.

Finally sideboard is very clear, either you switch to control some aggro decks with Cinderclasmimage, then you have some counters with Miscastimage mainly to stop early turn removals from opponent. Embereth Shieldbreakerimage - havent really used him that much but I keep them for Temur Adventures decks and their Lucky Clover, Embercleave, The Ozolith and Ox of Agonasimage mainly for long matchups since you burn your hand real quick so the Ox will help you refill your hand with the help of the Princes.

Cards that I am considering trying out:Mystical Disputeimage, Jace, Mirror Mageimage, Riddleformimage, Valakut Awakeningimage and Thundering Rebukeimage



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Last Updated: 23 Sep 2020
Created: 22 Sep 2020
91 68 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
31 8 16 5 0
0 13 0 2 0
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