Arena Standard - Jeskai Spirit Tribal Core 2020

TCGPlayer $63
Cardmarket €56
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 5 invalid cards for this format: Glacial Fortress (XLN), Clifftop Retreat (DOM), Sulfur Falls (DOM), Supreme Phantom (M19), Remorseful Cleric (M19)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Creature (18)
Land (20)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Trying my hand at Jeskai Spirits. Started by wanting to play the Mythic Legendary Creature Kykar, Wind's Furyimage and also the amazing blue one drop Spectral Sailorimage quite possibly the best one drop from Magic Core Set 2020. Then I started adding pump spells such as Supreme Phantomimage at the two drop spot and Empyrean Eagleimage at the three drop spot.


This is a Tribal creature focused deck, so I'm playing my favorite new artifact from the core set Icon of Ancestryimage We name spirits and give all our creatures +1 +1 and can tap to search the top three cards of our library putting any spirit creatures in our hand. An amazing pump spell that allows us to draw our creatures for three colorless mana. We are currently running three of these, but it's so good you may want to run four.

Dungeon Geistsimage is our four drop creature that also doubles as removal. By the time Dungeon Geistsimage makes it to the board, we already have a Supreme Phantomimage or Icon of Ancestryimage in play making our Dungeon Geists a force to be reckoned with.

We run red mana in this build that allows us to play Kykar, Wind's Furyimage and take advantage of it's ability to make 1/1 spirits. Most all of our none creature spells are cards that give us card draw, so we always have a grip full of cards to take advange of Kykar's ability.

Speaking of draw spells, we are running the best new card draw card in the set. Winged Wordsimage This amazing card allows us to draw 2 cards for the low cost of only two mana.

In addition to Winged Words, we are also running Optimage and Revitalizeimage for card draw, and all these cards trigger Kykar, Wind's Furyimage ability to make flying spirit tokens, all of which get pumped from cards like Icon of Ancestry and Supreme phantom and let us not forget Empyrean Eagleimage also giving all our flyers +1 +1

The only red card we are playing, is our removal Flame Sweepimage which does 2 damage to all creatures other than our creatures, which are all flyers and immune to the effect of Flame Sweep.

We have also added a couple Unsummonimage and Warrant/Warden to our removal package. Warrant/Warden is an amazing Azure card that works as removal when needed and doubles as a 4/4 flyer with vigilance for heavy beats later in the match.

Finally we are running a Cavalier of Galesimage for no other reason than to have fun, and draw a grip full of cards.

Hope you gamers give this deck a try and be sure to check out some awesome gameplay over on my YouTube channel - TheTwelveBlades

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I've made a few adjustments, maybe ill post an updated decklist soon.
When this deck works, it really works. I'm enjoying it a lot.
Last Updated: 10 Jul 2019
Created: 10 Jul 2019
466 192 2

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
25 11 22 2 0
0 0 0 0 0
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