Arena Standard - Kraken Control

  • Deck contains 1 invalid cards for this format: Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Planeswalker (4)
Creature (4)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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The deck speaks for itself, but I'll add a few notes.

Also, I think this deck works really well in both BO1 & BO3.



You keep the board clean and simply survive until you can play Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage.

Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage is such a powerful card with so much value that this by itself is enough to win you the game.


Card Purpose

  • Dovin's Vetoimage is mostly there to protect your Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage.
    But there are a lot of powerful non creature spells these days that can get countered, so it's definitely right to main deck 4 copies of this card.

  • Teferi, Time Ravelerimage is mainly used to stop the opponent from countering and that little bit of extra card draw is also very useful.
    Without Teferi, Time Ravelerimage you're probably not going to have enough card draw. It's a crucial and versatile card. Keep this in mind if you want to replace it.

  • Legion's Endimage is obviously to deal with aggro, because there is a lot of very efficiënt and strong aggro right now.
    Replace it with Desparkimage or Thought Erasureimage if you're playing against control.


  • This deck is heavily teched against aggro because there is a lot out there right now. And your kraken is enough to beat control anyway. But just in case you're having trouble against control, there are extra answers in your sideboard.

  • In your oppening hand you keep all the low cost cards plus Murderous Riderimage and Teferi, Time Ravelerimage.

  • I usually keep Murderous Riderimage around for planeswalkers because this is really the only answer you have for planeswalkers if you don't count counter spells and Desparkimage.
    Against aggro you'll want to use it as a body to block creatures of course.

  • If you're playing against control, then keep at least one Dovin's Vetoimage around to protect your Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage.


  • Mortifyimage
    For when you really need to get rid of that one annoying enchantment. It's also extra removal.

  • Thought Erasureimage and Desparkimage are more useful when you're playing against control. You can replace something like Legion's Endimage and Tyrant's Scornimage for these cards.

  • Ashiok, Nightmare Museimage
    Ashiok is just extra value and it's annoying for your opponent to deal with so it baits removal and recources. 

  • Thought Distortionimage
    One copy of this card is great against heavy control decks that manage to destroy or exile your Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage somehow. Sometimes having a few counter spells isn't enought to protect your kraken.





I love Kiora Bests the Sea Godimage, I think it's such a cool card. I hope you have fun playing with this deck.

By the way, can you tell I like consistency? That's why I play 4 of everything :)


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Last Updated: 26 Jan 2020
Created: 19 Jan 2020
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