Arena Standard - LOL. We now have Rotus in Standard.

Main 60 cards (11 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Other (4)
Land (24)
Side 7 cards (7 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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If you're curious about what Rotus is, check my previous Historic decks. Especially the ones with a description icon near the title.

But in short, it's an acronym for Ring-Lotus. A big blue deck that actually works competitively. And it will be updated soon.

Thanks to Standard Horizons, also called Foundations, we now finally have its little brother in Standard. There's no big start like in the Historic version, but there's an unstoppable endgame which can easily trigger as soon as turn 6 - keep in mind, this is a control deck, not a combo deck so that's fairly impressive. Of course, there's still a LOT of room for improvement.

The midgame is Season of Weaving copying Gilded Lotus twice, drawing a card, and leaving 6 mana open for Time Stop. The endgame is literally the turn after, when you have 3 Lotuses and you cast Invasion of Arcavios: it's a total of at least 13-14 mana, enough for Arcavios itself + Doppelgang for X=2.

Two copies of Arcavios, two copies of Lotus. Arcavios gets Doppelgang back and fetches Time Stop, Lotus gives you the required 6 mana to make opponent skip a turn. It's a lock.

It's difficult to explain here, but for X=3 you can actually perform the ENTIRE game ending sequence at once, since you get back enough mana to start an infinite loop. With Finale of Revelation you have no maximum handsize, while Awaken the Woods + Titania's Command provides you with a way to threaten lethal.

Against midrange specifically, Arcavios being bounced by Season of Weaving while drawing 2 cards is another surprisingly effective loop.

Other ways to fasten up the opening may involve, for example, the Enigma Jewel + Vault + Reenact the Crime package. I'll definitely experiment with it in the future. A Simic version relying on Up the Beanstalk may prove successful as well.

Meanwhile, enjoy!

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