Arena Standard - Lurrus Aura Control

  • Deck contains 3 invalid cards for this format: Godless Shrine (RNA), Kaya's Ghostform (WAR), Despark (WAR)
Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (23)
Land (23)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Very fast deck. First hand should include at least a Hateful Eidolonimage or an Alseid of Life's Bountyimage to kick things off. From there, the main focus is to use the black control enchantments to remove your opponent's creatures or at the very least make them not as much of a threat while building up to 4 mana to cast Lurrus of the Dream Den and either protect it with a Kaya's Ghostformimage (preferred) or keep on mana open and an Alseid on board to sacrifice to protect Lurrus. The Ghostform is the only thing that will protect Lurrus from a board wipe, but you have an Omen of the Deadimage and a couple Call of the Death-Dwellerimage to bring Lurrus back should it be required (Lurrus is a nice bonus for repeatable control). From there, the main task is getting an All That Glittersimage or two while filling your board with as many enchantments as possible to pump them up. I have had success putting these on Lurrus, but can go on a Transcendent Envoyimage or Aphemia, the Cacophonyimage if you need the evasion (the only bad thing about this is that any enchantment destruction can target the Envoy and send all the enchantments to the graveyard as well). With all the lifelink on your side of the field, your life total should not be a problem until the drop a powerful evasion creature that our control cannot touch.

Possible upgrades: more planeswalker/high CMC creature hate (only a single Desparkimage)

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Last Updated: 17 May 2020
Created: 17 May 2020
62 84 0

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