Arena Standard - Meta-killer BO1

  • Deck contains 17 invalid cards for this format: Spikefield Hazard (ZNR), Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (THB), Erebos's Intervention (THB), Heliod's Intervention (THB), Shatter the Sky (THB), Savai Triome (IKO), Fabled Passage (CELD), Solemn Simulacrum (M21), Emeria's Call (ZNR), Shatterskull Smashing (ZNR), Mazemind Tome (M21), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Needleverge Pathway (ZNR), Ruinous Ultimatum (IKO), Dire Tactics (IKO), Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21), Storm's Wrath (THB)
Main 60 cards (20 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (29)
Creature (8)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (21)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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This deck is made to beat all the current meta deck all-in-one !!
- Rogue Mill
- Yorion + omen + ECD + everything else (i hate those deck)
- Cycling
- Lurrus
- Green beat down
- Landfall / mutate deck
- Gruul aggro
- Red deck win

For the moment i played 12 match and i'm 11 win, 1 defeat in gold rank.

- For the rogue mill deck : Wipe the board as often as desired, exile what they have and use your own graveyard (fuel by them) to bring Kroxa to beat them down.

- For the Yorion deck : Wipe the board as often as desired, exile what they have, then use Eliod's intervention to make sure every enchantment are gone for good.

- Cycling deck : Wipe the board and use erebos's intervention to clear there graveyard, so they can't use Zenith flare.

- Lurrus deck : exile everything they have...end of the game.

- Green beat down deck : Since we don't have a lot of creature, fight spell are not that usefull for the ennemy. so wipe the board when they have the advantage.

- Landfall / mutate deck : Just wipe and exile everything, then will just have a lot of land.

- Gruul aggro deck and Red deck win : full aggro deck are the worst case scenario, since we are a control deck, we just have to survive until we can place our card. So destroy, exile and wipe as often as possible.

Tips for the deck :
- Spikefull hazard and scorching dragonfire are our ace in the sleeve, use them when you wipe the board with shatter de sky, shatterskull smashing and ruinous ultimatum to make sure that some key card are gone for good.
- Since we have way to gain easy life ( both intervention and mazemind tome), use Dire tactics without too much restrain, its a low cost way to get rid of something nasty.
- we run a lot of land (with spell land), so use Fabled passage and Solem when you can, less land in the deck, mean more on the filed to plan heavy costing card and that mean more chance to draw something usefull.
- This deck is like a aggresive control, we have a lot of "wipe the board card" so use them! Even its only for one creature, sometime "we got to do what we got to do".
- except green stomp deck, the actual meta don't use a lot of high thoughness creature, so card like scorching dragonfire and spikeful hazard can get rid of most of the creature on the field.
- Since we have no way to bring back our creature (even if we don't have a lot of them), make sure to exile them with Kroxa when you pay is escape, to make sure than Zarath San don't bring them.
- i have put 2 Ugin the spirit dragon because, most of the time people quit after he as exiled the board.

So that it !! have fun trying this deck and if you have way to make it better i would like to know it, so write it in the comment !

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Nice deck! I think a good name for it would be “Boardwipe Tribal”.
you get a plus for writing a guide
Last Updated: 13 Nov 2020
Created: 05 Nov 2020
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