Standard - [Mythic] ProRakSac 64% winrate

  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Tenacious Underdog (SNC), Riveteers Requisitioner (SNC), Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO), Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (NEO), Haunted Ridge (MID), Unlicensed Hearse (SNC), Sorin the Mirthless (VOW)
Main 60 cards (18 distinct)
Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

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(proliferate rakdos sacrifice)

"...the deck of the year!" -Nat Geo                         "I can only describe this as a piece of art..." -my mom

                                   "The END GAME of 2023" -PC Gamer

                                                                     "I personally really enjoy this deck..." -me

        "It has it all; action, romance, suspense." -Einstein                                          "9.5/10" -IGN

     First off I would just like to thank you for reading this and checking out my deck, if you want to watch me play it live I stream @ somewhat regularly. Now that the formalities are out of the way, this is my standard 2023 Rakdos list that I whole-heartedly believe can be the best deck in format. Most decks in the current meta are characterized by one archetype and one streamlined gameplan that, if interrupted, falls apart too easily. We have mono red aggro that instantly loses to any sort of lifegain/big body such as Archangel of Wrathimage, then there's the UW control shell that crumbles to early game value like Kumano Faces Kakkazan // Etching of Kumanoimage, and of course there's plenty in between. But with this deck my goal was simple; have a consistent deck list AND have a flexible gameplan -- which is of course much easier said than done in today's standard.


Let's get this deck tech kicked off with the first name of the game, proliferate. This deck has a simple, yet effective, proliferate package including: Whisper of the Drossimage and Drown in Ichorimage and these cards are the extent of our "hard removal" in the main board. Using those spells we manage to keep the board clear as well as advance our own gameplan by putting additional counters on key cards like Exuberant Fuselingimage and Urabrak's Forge, the synergy here is very apparent and works just as well as it sounds. In general Urabrask's Forgeimage is our Wedding Announcement // Wedding Festivityimage -- meaning that it is a hard to interact with permanent that can snowball against slower strategies if left unchecked. It is our primary win condition against control and slower midrange strategies. Urabrask's Forgeimage also synergizes deeply with every other card in the deck (with the exceptions being Sheoldred, the Apocalypseimage, Tenacious Underdogimage and Riveteers Requisitionerimage).


The second name of the game is RakdosThat's about it. It's red and black.


But the FINAL aspect of this orchestra of agony is sacrifice -- the mac daddy flavor that is rakdos and so many decks based on this color identity. We get insane value from all of our sacrifice's in this deck, whether it be incidental damage from Thraan, Executioner Thane or potential removal/card draw from Braids, Arisen Nightmareimage, even just things dying to make our Exuberant Fuselingimage's bigger is sometimes enough to win us games.


Urabrask's Forgeimage + Exuberant Fuselingimage = Fuseling getting bigger every trigger

                              + Vraan, Executioner Thaneimage = Drain for 2 every turn

                              + Braids, Arisen Nightmareimage = A creature to sacrifice every turn to draw cards or make opp sac

                              + Voldaren Thrillseekerimage = Effectively gives your token doublestrike if it connects, but also gives you the flexibility                                    to fling a big token if you can't get in.

Whisper of the Drossimage/Drown in Ichorimage + Exuberant Fuselingimage = Fuseling getting bigger

                              + Voldaren Thrillseekerimage = getting bigger/getting the creature with the +1/+1 counters bigger

                              + Urabrask's Forgeimage = you know it, getting bigger

                              + Archfiend of the Drossimage = lets you live extra turns

Braids, Arisen Nightmareimage + Archfiend of the Drossimage = makes sure you don't kill yourself

                              + Tenacious Underdogimage = sac after blitz for extra value

                              + Riveteers Requisitionerimage = ^

Vraan, Executioner Thaneimage + Literally every combo listed above = drain opponent


Sheoldred, the Apocalypseimage + Tenacious Underdogimage = not paying for the life you lose to blitz him

                              + Braids, Arisen Nightmareimage = gaining life off of the potential card draw



In my opinion this deck is very straight forward when it comes to sideboarding, you switch from a deck that can outpace ramp in the mid game by going so tall that even their Atraxa, Grand Unifierimage's can't slow you down, to a removal heavy anti aggro strategy that plays one for one until you get a Sheoldred, the Apocalype or an Archfiend of the Drossimage on the field. But generally here is my sideboard guide:



- 3x Whisper of the Drossimage

- 4x Archfiend of the Drossimage

+ 1x Sorin the Mirthlessimage

+ 3x Duressimage

+ 2x Sheoldred, the Apocalypseimage

+ 1x Lithomantic Barrageimage



- 3x Whisper of the Drossimage

+ 3x Duressimage


Mono red/most aggro strategies

- 4x Urabrask's Forgeimage

- 2x Tenacious Underdogimage

+ 2x Sheoldred, the Apocalypseimage

+ 3x Cut Downimage

+ 1x Abradeimage


Esper Legends

- 4x Exuberant Fuselingimage

- 3x Whisper of the Drossimage

+ 3x Lithomantic Barrageimage

+ 3x Cut Downimage

+ 1x Sheoldred, the Apocalypseimage


If you stuck around til the end thank you and be sure to give the deck a like and follow me at

Also please comment any ideas you might have. thank you

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Last Updated: 20 Jun 2023
Created: 20 Jun 2023
924 216 0

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