Commander - Narset, Enlightened Exile - cEDH

  • Deck contains 99 invalid cards for this format: Sol Ring (color), Rite of Flame (color), Lotus Petal (color), Chrome Mox (color), Mana Crypt (color), Arcane Signet (color), Talisman of Creativity (color), Talisman of Progress (color), Lion's Eye Diamond (color), Dockside Extortionist (color), Esper Sentinel (color), Mystic Remora (color), Rhystic Study (color), Windfall (color), Wheel of Fortune (color), The One Ring (color), Whirlwind of Thought (color), Ranger-Captain of Eos (color), Cyclonic Rift (color), Silence (color), Force of Will (color), Fierce Guardianship (color), An Offer You Can't Refuse (color), Swan Song (color), Flusterstorm (color), Red Elemental Blast (color), Dispel (color), Delay (color), Spell Pierce (color), Mindbreak Trap (color), Deflecting Swat (color), Rule of Law (color), Copy Enchantment (color), Sevinne's Reclamation (color), Narset, Parter of Veils (color), Teferi, Time Raveler (color), Weathered Runestone (color), Escape Velocity (color), Cursed Mirror (color), Underworld Breach (color), Brain Freeze (color), Dualcaster Mage (color), Mystical Tutor (color), Enlightened Tutor (color), Gamble (color), Intuition (color), Solve the Equation (color), Brainstorm (color), Miscast (color), Remember the Fallen (color), Final Fortune (color), Mother of Runes (color), Force of Negation (color), See the Truth (color), Jeweled Lotus (color), Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (color), Wheel of Misfortune (color), Chart a Course (color), Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch (color), Chain of Vapor (color), Brotherhood's End (color), Volcanic Fallout (color), Supreme Verdict (color), Dismantling Wave (color), Ephemerate (color), Spellseeker (color), Blood Moon (color), Heat Shimmer (color), Island (color), Plains (color), Mountain (color), Command Tower (color), Exotic Orchard (color), Steam Vents (color), Hallowed Fountain (color), Sacred Foundry (color), Training Center (color), Shivan Reef (color), Sea of Clouds (color), Spectator Seating (color), Battlefield Forge (color), Arid Mesa (color), Scalding Tarn (color), Flooded Strand (color), Adarkar Wastes (color), Riverglide Pathway (color), Hengegate Pathway (color), Needleverge Pathway (color), Tundra (color), Volcanic Island (color), Plateau (color), Misty Rainforest (color), Marsh Flats (color), Polluted Delta (color), Windswept Heath (color), Bloodstained Mire (color), Wooded Foothills (color), Otawara, Soaring City (color), Ancient Tomb (color)
  • Deck has incorrect number of cards: 99 (should be 100 including commander)
  • Deck is missing a commander
Main 99 cards (99 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (58)
Creature (8)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (31)
Maybeboard 9 cards (9 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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Last Updated: 01 Dec 2023
Created: 28 Oct 2023
17 40 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
10 17 60 12 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands