Historic - Nexus of Birbs

Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (35)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (22)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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If you can't get Nexus of Fateimage in the store, homegrown is fine -- now with birbs!

This deck aims to play Double Visionimage, duplicate it with Mythos of Illunaimage, use those and Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspringimage to copy Alrund's Epiphanyimage for bird tokens and extra turns, and target Epiphany with Unsubstantiateimage/Narset's Reversalimage to return the original spell to hand and do it again! As the turns keep stacking up, the bird tokens swing in over and over until the opponent undergoes a Hitchcockian death by a thousand pecks.

Treasure Map // Treasure Coveimage and Mana Geodeimage provide ramp, fixing, and scrys; Narset of the Ancient Wayimage ramps, gains life, draws cards, and burns creatures/planeswalkers; Silundi Visionimage is intended as a land but can be used to dig for a spell combo piece if needed.


* MTGA: Obviously, turn on Hold Full Control before casting Epiphany so that you can hold priority and target it with a spell bounce.

* MTGA: Be sure to tap Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspringimage manually for the extra duplication effect, as auto-tap won't do it for you.

* If you suspect your opponent has a counterspell for Alrund's Epiphany, go for the combo and wait until they try to counter it before bouncing Epiphany back to hand.

* Mythos of Illuna can be used for board control as a last resort by duplicating an opponent's creature; Mana Geode and Treasure Tokens can provide green mana for the fight mode if needed.

* The "spell or creature" flexibility on Unsubstantiate can be incredibly powerful if you're able to duplicate it. 3x Unsubstantiate lets you cast it, bounce a creature, then return the original to hand for zero card expenditure. 2x Unsubstantiate with a legal target lets you put counters on Primal Amulet for free.

* While the plan is to use Narset's Reversal on your own Epiphany to copy it and keep the card, keep your eyes open for opportunities to use it on an opponent's spell for value. Similarly, Unsubstantiateimage can also pull double-duty as creature bounce for board control or in case of Maelstrom Pulseimage on a bird token.


(Note: This deck is intended for Day9's "What the Deck" duplicated spells prompt. For ladder play, consider replacing Whirlwind Denial with Storm's Wrathimage or destroy-all-creatures board clear to survive, though honestly, if you're playing this deck, a decent win rate may be asking too much.)

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Last Updated: 11 Feb 2021
Created: 04 Feb 2021
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