Historic - PRE-BANS Lurrus & Lazav's Ego - BO1

Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (26)
Creature (10)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (15 distinct)

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Work in progress.


Turn 2, 3, 4 - Drop Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage, copy with Lazav, the Multifariousimage.

Later - Replay Kroxa on the turn you play Lurrus of the Dream-Denimage, continue to replay Kroxa for 2 mana. Work on discarding their hand and destroying their creatures to fuel your Drown in the Lochimage.

Bonus - copy Lurrus with Lazav for more Kroxa or some health.

Get to the point where you can keep your mana up for instant spells while playing Kroxa game on the side.

Note on Lazav - his activated ability works obviously at instant speed but you can surprise few opponents who are using damage removal or surprise block them - the ones who don't expect you to copy Kroxa for two mana. You can have Lazav as Kroxa + another Kroxa in play at the same time.

Key Cards

Unmoored Egoimage

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage

Drown in the Lochimage


Get some early info with Thought Erasureimage. Mind what you exile since you need cards in their graveyard for Drown in the Lochimage - don't exile cards from their graveyard with Unmoored Egoimage.

Always kill Teferi, Time Ravelerimage due to the passive ability messing with your interaction.

vs Deck Strategy Unmoored Egoimage  Fae of Wishesimage 

Spell decks

Lutri, the Spellchaserimage


Work on discarding their hand, play smart into their counterspells, don't waste countering those. If they counter Kroxa, they lose a card - if they don't, they still lose one.

Don't care much about any removal effects that you find in enemy's hand, since you can play interaction for the early part of the game and leave Lazav for the late game. It's also fine if they kill Kroxa!

Creatures like Rielle, the Everwiseimage, Sprite Dragonimage and creature tokens from second draws can easily be managed.

Inspired Ultimatumimage

Blitz of the Thunder-Raptorimage

The Royal Scionsimage


Creature decks


Remove odd or even cost specific targets to get an effective Extinction Eventimage in. Counter their companion.

People don't play around stuff much - you can have either counter or a board wipe so they kinda just go for it and try to get their companion out as fast as possible. They will suspect counterspells after Thought Erasureimage and they will suspect a board wipe if you don't do anything with your mana.

You can definitely use Unmoored Egoimage to wipe out multiples of creatures from their hand to get some unmanageable ones or get a better Extinction Eventimage in, but they will draw replacements for the cards exiled from the hand - as you go through their library, keep an eye out for cards you need to have an answer for. And of course, plan your next Unmoored Egoimage

Beware for Stonecoil Serpentimage. Your only block for it is Fae of Wishesimage and your best answer an Extinction Eventimage or Eat to Extinctionimage.


Snowball effects



Draw engines


Extinction Eventimage
Ritual of Sootimage

Angrath's Rampageimage

Mythos of Illunaimage

Creature decks GY and mutate





Mind their mutates. Find exiles for their resurrect targets, especially Polukranos, Unchainedimage which empties their graveyard. Don't counterspell every mutation, destroy effects are fine - keep counterspells for their essential ETB effects and essentials like planeswalkers, Luminous Broodmothimage, Fiend Artisanimage and Nightmare Shepherdimage. Everything's situational but should be a walk in the park.

Eerie Ultimatumimage
Auspicious Starriximage
Nethroi, Apex of Deathimage
Garruk, Cursed Huntsmanimage
Questing Beastimage
Polukranos, Unchainedimage
End-Raze Forerunnersimage

Cavalier of Nightimage


Cycling decks

Keep up a counter for Zenith Flareimage.

Drown in the Lochimage is very effective against cycling decks. The only danger in those is Flourishing Foximage snowballing.

Against Lurrus mulligan or filter for (mass) removals, in this case, use it on Drannith Stingerimage and Valiant Rescuerimage.

Zenith Flareimage

Irencrag Pyromancerimage

Flourishing Foximage

Extinction Eventimage

Cry of the Carnariumimage

Ritual of Sootimage

Lurrus enchantments

Mind their All That Glittersimage and Karametra's Blessingimage.

Use Drown in the Lochimage or a board wipe on their pesky 1- and 2-drops. They always have an Alseid of Life's Bountyimage or God Bless up so mulligan or filter for board wipes.

Keep an eye out for Stonecoil Serpentimage. Your only block for it is Fae of Wishesimage and your best answer an Extinction Eventimage or Eat to Extinctionimage.

All That Glittersimage

Karametra's Blessingimage

Stonecoil Serpentimage

Extinction Eventimage
Cry of the Carnariumimage 
Ritual of Sootimage


Use Scry lands, Optimage and Discovery // Dispersalimage to filter for your Extinction Eventimage and Cry of the Carnariumimage. Single target removal on their highest damage dealers or on the ones that are not in the range of your board wipe. Keep counter or removal up for Embercleaveimage.

Cavalcade of Calamityimage

Heraldic Bannerimage

 Erebos's Interventionimage
Ritual of Sootimage
Cry of the Carnariumimage

Mill decks



The moment they mill you with Merfolk Secretkeeperimage or Overwhelmed Apprenticeimage, try to find out if they are mono-blue or Dimir. On this depends which counterspells and planeswalkers you are aiming for with Unmoored Egoimage.

Don't surveil anything into your graveyard.

Mind their counters and keep an eye out for their replay cards like Run Away Togetherimage.

You are completely capable of taking over the game and milling them yourself. Wishboard depends on your gameplan - whether you are going Kroxa way and kill the opponent or steal their things and mill them. If you fetch or steal an Ashiok yourself, keep in mind that your Drown in the Lochimage won't work with their empty graveyard.

You might want to use Thought Erasureimage or counter Ominous Seasimage and Drowned Secretsimage due to the lack of enchantment removal.

Didn't Say Pleaseimage
Thought Collapseimage
Ashiok, Dream Renderimage

Mystical Disputeimage

Drown in the Lochimage
Ashion, Nightmare Muse

Ashiok, Dream Renderimage

Thought Distortionimage

Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage


Lurrus land destruction

When they drop a Forest with Lurrus - first get rid of their cheaper land destruction and afterwards the Casualties of Warimage. Mind when they sacrifice their enchantments for wolves - basically the only thing they can replay with Lurrus.

They have Cindervinesimage up so keep your board wipes efficient. Survive and you will out-grind them without problems.

Rubble Readingimage

Casualties of Warimage

Wolfwillow Havenimage

Extinction Eventimage 


Don't get overwhelmed, annihilate the fliers and you'll be fine.

Empyrean Eagleimage
Rally of Wingsimage

Sephara, Sky's Bladeimage
Skycat Sovereignimage

Extinction Eventimage
Cry of the Carnariumimage 
Ritual of Sootimage 




Obliterate their draw engines Slitherwispimage and Thief of Sanityimage, mind their counterspells - leave mana up for Quenchimage and Mystical Disputeimage is only one mana against your blue spells. Lochmere Serpentimage can be annoying.

You need some information here with Thought Erasureimage but otherwise, beware for a mountain - be prepared for exiling their Kroxa and keep counter or Bedevilimage up for Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage.

Mystical Disputeimage

Ashiok, Dream Renderimage

Ashiok, Nightmare Museimage

Thought Erasureimage
Atris, Oracle of Half-Truthsimage



As soon as the first non-humans start coming in, start building towards a ready counter or removal for Winota. If possible, just Unmoored Egoimage her, if you get it up in time.

Keep their board empty and counter or Bedevilimage on Chandra, Acolyte of Flameimage

Agent of TreacheryimageWinota, Joiner of Forcesimage

Angrath's Maraudersimage
Legion Warbossimage
Alirios, Enrapturedimage

Ritual of Sootimage 


Drop Kroxa and you won't have to sacrifice it.




 Counter Keruga and mind their Inspired Ultimatumimage, Whirlwind of Thoughtimage or a rare Ashiok, Dream Renderimage. Single target removal on planeswalkers Narset of the Ancient Wayimage and Teferi, Time Ravelerimage, no need to Unmoored Egoimage those.

Fires of Inventionimage

Kenrith, the Returned Kingimage

Shark Typhoonimage 

 The Elderspellimage


For the next decks, you can Unmoored Egoimage on their Fires of Inventionimage if possible but fine if you don't, it limits their output anyway - keep their hand empty/graveyard full and remove their key cards. Remove Teferi, Time Ravelerimage on sight.




Jegantha, the Wellspringimage

  Golos, Tireless Pilgrimimage
Niv-Mizzet Rebornimage


Find out which Yorion deck you are playing against.

Keep their board empty and/or predict Yorion turn well, counter it. They will most probably out-grind you if you are not ahead by mid-game. Get your mana up, no need to keep counters up during early game.

Exile Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage, it empties their graveyard.

Play your creatures selectively or after getting rid of their board wipes.

Don't go for the long game - establish dominance early for their surrender, destroy their morale by countering their key cards or with Kroxa game.

Counter or exile occasional Dream Trawlerimage, your creatures are not in range of Elspeth Conquers Deathimage but mind the resurrection.

Agent of Treacheryimage
Lukka, Coppercoat Outcastimage
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage
Shark Typhoonimage

Omen of the Seaimage
Fae of Wishesimage

Other planeswalkers
Narset, Parter of Veilsimage
Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage

The Elderspellimage

Achievement in efficient Thought Distortionimage 


Unmoored Egoimage their key planeswalkers or smaller targets like draw engines, anthem effects, resurrection or even counterspells if no better targets.

If you should be ahead in mana and their hand is full of non-creatures, fetch a Thought Distortionimage and enjoy the fireworks.

Ethereal Absolutionimage

Elspeth Conquers Deathimage
Call of the Death-Dwellerimage

Glass Casketimage


Card changes

Covetous Urgeimage is fun (it can also steal from their graveyard) but can definitely be replaced with e.g Mystical Disputeimage, Heartless Actimage, Thought Erasureimage or Eat to Extinctionimage.

If you prefer cycling over surveil effect, add some Neutralizeimage instead of Sinister Sabotageimage.

If not interested in playing Unmoored Egoimage and Fae of Wishesimage, take a look at Lurrus Grixis Control - BO1.

Sideboard and matchups in progress.


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Hi, thanks! Sorry though, I don't - the issue here is that sideboard would have to be shared for both Fae of Wishes and card changes for Bo3. I am not sure that I will work on that version - it's a lot easier to Bo3 without Fae of Wishes. Or put Unmoored Ego in the sideboard.
Hi, Do you hace this list for tradicional Standard Bo3?!

This one is AMAZING :)
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2020
Created: 26 May 2020
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