Creature (27) | |||
$0.40€0.270.02 | |||
$1.20€1.520.22 | |||
$2.47€1.100.02 | |||
$0.26€0.210.02 | |||
$0.25€0.120.03 | |||
$0.190.03 | |||
$0.69€1.021.48 | |||
$0.502.25 | |||
$0.25€0.140.02 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12) | |||
$9.54€5.760.17 | |||
$0.20€0.080.03 | |||
$0.490.03 | |||
Land (21) | |||
$0.990.03 | ||
$0.49€0.340.03 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsSame ol' BillyRed, slightly different handle. Don't forget to hit that follow button if you don't want to miss any of my content.
First off, if you don't have a mono-red decklist and you play best of one, you may be doing it wrong. Mono-green stomp lost too much power with rotation in my opinion, Lurrus got nerfed months ago, and mono-red is the new way to take advantage of the Meta. This particular mono-red deck has been around in since the before rotation and not much has changed, with the exception of the cards built into it to respond to the current meta, and a little bit of deck tech from the new set.
On turn one we have the usual suspects in fervent champion, shock, as well as a couple copies of spikefield hazard. Depending on how our initial hand is organized, depends on the order in which we play what. If we have at least one champion on the play, we're going to slam him and attack (especially if we have multiple champions in our opening hand). If we are on the draw or don't have a turn one play, then we hold up mana for a burn. Lotus cobra gets burnt on sight, and if we are playing a mirror match we hold up th mana to destroy their Robber of the rich; we don't want them having their cards and ours.
On turn two we should either burn that lotus cobra, or that robber. If these aren't worries, we need to continue to take as much damage to our opponents face as possible. Our own robber of the rich is the priority play on turn two, followed by another champion, followed by Kargan intimidator, followed by rimrock knight. It is advised that we use the adventure side of rimrock if at all possible.
On turn thee, we have Phoenix of the ash and slaying fire. Slaying fire is great for both creature removal so we can continue to widdle down our opponents life total, and a great finisher. Phoenix of the ash has come back into the Meta as an answer to the mill decks that have their creatures pumped when we have too many cards in our graveyard. While the Ox of agonos serves the same purpose, it is a five drops (more on it in a bit). We also run four copies of Anax, as he's still every bit as dirty as ever (and definitely the best embercleave wielder in our deck). One of the reasons this deck is more powerful than ever is that deafening clarion rotated so we don't have to worry about SOOO much mass removal.
On turn four we run three copies of Torbran. We find that using more than three often has us having a copy too many in the hand when a shock would be even better.
Of course we run three copies of embercleave for the same reason we run three copies of Torbran (its legendary, so multiples clog up our hand).
Thanks for checking out my deck and my deck guide. I believe this deck is very competitive, but it's early in the new meta so maybe something crushes it down the road? Doubtful though. If you like it, check out my other decks as I truly believe I have something for everyone. If I don't have something that fits your playstyle challenge me to create something for you. If there is a card, cards, or general deck theme you'd like to see in action, please do not hesitate to ask me, as I'd love to brew it up for you. I'm super excited to bring y'all even more fresh brews involving the new set. Thank you all for all the support I've received since I began posting decks, and know that I'm not going anywhere. Of course, as always, good luck my friends!
Check out my aetherhub profile and you'll find a link to my twitch account, or just follow this link ( I'll personally be grinding through rank with this deck live from on Monday, September 28th anytime from 8:00a.m. until around 3p.m. I'll also be taking requests for decks that y'all would like to see built.
Thanks again y'all!
26 | 9 | 17 | 8 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |