Historic - Ruins of Thran - 2 player Solitaire

TCGPlayer $292
Cardmarket €159
Cardhoarder 5 Tix
Main 80 cards (31 distinct)
Creature (3)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (41)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (34)
Side 15 cards (15 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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It's not about being efficent, it's about sending a meassage.

Why bother simply winning the game when we can break our oppoenents will to live while showing off what a real Ultimate jank solitaire deck looks like? Play Choose your win condition while the oppoenet watches you play cards while drowning in a pool of thier own tears. Have you never won a game with Approach of the Second Son? Here's your chance. Want to pop out a turn 4 Ulamog? No problem. Think it's a good time to watch that mono white deck perfectly curve out and empy their hand on turn 4 only to wipe them off the board and destroy all their lands? We can do that. Enjoy watching enemy creatures automaticaly turn to dust and die on entry as replicating cenobytes eat everything entering the game indestructable or not? Got you covered bro. Ever wondered what it would be like if Yorion entered the battle every turn? Yeah we can flicker those saga's for days brudda. Hell why not play Ulamog turn 5, then not even bother to use him while you destroy all your enemies lands and empty his hand with saga cards while replicating yorion just to show your opponenet how ill prepared they were to enter the realm of a real planeswalker. 


There are few combos hiding in this deck that allow you to toataly take over a game.

Use Tutors, Search For Glory and Master Mind to pick the cards you need or want to win with or use Thran's gateway to play big stuff cheap. 

1. The Fall of Thran + Elspeth's Knightmare/Tormond: Start the combo by playing Elspeth's Nightmare, next turn follow it up with Fall of Thran, this will destroy all lands and on the third turn it will exile your opponenets graveyard preventing them from getting lands back while FoT gives you 2 lands per turn. You can do the same thing by playing crypt for 0 then sacing it once it's on the field. 

2. Helm of Hosts + Yorion/Cenobite/Ulamog: If you can get this combo off, you can literally chain your saga's every turn or create copies of the cenobite giving enemy creatures cumulative -2/-2 and whatch them explode on entry. Other options include just exiling your oppoenent's entire deck with copies of Ulamog if for somereason they didn't scoop when you brought in the first one. 

3. Crucible of worlds: This lets us play lands from our graveyard, quite handy when we are repeatadly nuking all lands on the field, and it also works with fetch lands! Once you play a fable with cruicible on the field it is there forever, you simply play it, pop in a land of your choice, then fable goes to graveyard waiting to be played next turn. Same for sac lands like folley and glory, and fetch. 

4. Thran Gateway - Let's you play Ulamog turn 5 or any legendary or saga for 4 mana. 

 5. Flicker of Fate - This card allows you to replay your saga's at instant speed. So say you drop Elspeth, kill a creature, then on the enemies turn, they play a new creature, you can flciker on their turn, then when it comes back to you, it will still proc the discard. Works for all saga's.

 6. There are a few other infinte combos in this deck as well, I'll leave you to find themyourself. 

***This deck may take some bot practice to understand as it contains a lot of the less used routes of play,  you WILL be a better MTG player once you understand the mechanincs in this deck. This deck is all about choosing the appropriate win condition against the deck you are playing against and executing it. I have been able to maintain a 65% win rate in mythic +90% using this deck, it's jank, but it's good jank. 

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