Creature (7) | |||
$18.78€14.452.09 | |||
$0.25€0.170.03 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18) | |||
$0.20€0.110.03 | |||
$0.25€0.110.03 | ||
$0.18€0.100.03 | |||
$31.60 | |||
$0.20€0.090.03 | |||
$0.20€0.100.03 | |||
Land (14) | |||
$0.20€0.080.03 | |||
$8.99€9.660.17 |
$3.73€3.906.86 | |||
$2.10€1.151.01 | |||
$0.50€0.470.11 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsThe main goal is to use Famished Paladin + Sorcerer's Wand + Sentinel's Mark for an infinite damage combo. The deck focuses on controlling the board and setting up the combo. The secondary wincon is Nezahal, Primal Tide.
There are currently two copies of each combo piece, and one card to tutor for each piece. The tutors are included to help thin out the deck, getting the pieces in-hand and helping avoid dead draws when you need specific control spells. If the combo gets interrupted, Devious Cover-Up can shuffle the pieces back into the deck. That's another good reason to include tutors, b/c if you fail the combo early hope remains.
What's the word on the street?
Max tilt achieved!
* Updating for Pioneer fun
Old Standard List
2 Essence Scatter
1 Nezahal, Primal Tide
3 Ixalan's Binding
3 Seal Away
4 Absorb
1 Blink of an Eye
2 Devious Cover-Up
1 Cleansing Nova
1 Precognitive Perception
2 Warrant // Warden
2 Sphinx's Insight
8 Island
7 Plains
2 Syncopate
1 Negate
4 Azorius Guildgate
2 Plaza of Harmony
2 Famished Paladin
2 Sorcerer's Wand
2 Sentinel's Mark
1 Forerunner of the Legion
1 Deadeye Quartermaster
1 Ajani's Influence
1 Emergency Powers
2 Deputy of Detention
2 Gateway Plaza
1 Invoke the Divine
2 Disdainful Stroke
3 Knight of Grace
2 Negate
3 Revitalize
1 Field of Ruin
1 Cleansing Nova
- Selesnya Guildgate x3
- Field of Ruin x1
- Memorial to Genius x1
+ Deputy of Detention x2
+ Gateway Plaza x2
+ Island x2
+ Plains x1
+ Revitalize x3
Overall WR wasn't consistent enough. Maybe it could be w/ Gateway Plaza, but that's our only budget option. I found myself using Field of Ruin less and less, so I think it's worth a cut to make room in the budget for Deputy of Detention, which is effectively Ixalan's Binding in a 1/3. Memorial to Genius was also just too slow. Gateway Plaza has been added b/c even though it's cost makes it undesirable we have a greater chance to gain life off Plaza of Harmony.
Revamped the whole deck again to go towards a budget paper goal.
Revamped the deck based off Azorius full control.
Old list:
3 Famished Paladin
4 Sentinel's Mark
3 Sorcerer's Wand
3 Danitha Capashen, Paragon
3 Forerunner of the Legion
4 Absorb
4 Opt
4 Azorius Guildgate
9 Plains
8 Island
3 Chemister's Insight
2 Conclave Tribunal
3 Ixalan's Binding
4 Lawmage's Binding
3 Shimmer of Possibility
4 Devious Cover-Up
2 Connive
3 Sinister Sabotage
3 Dive Down
3 On Serra's Wings
1 On Serra's Wings
1 Seal Away
1 Fervent Strike
1 Revitalize
1 Squire's Devotion
1 Warrant
1 In Bolas's Clutches
1 Mission Briefing
- Deputy of Detention x3
+ Lawmage's Binding x3
To be consistent w/ the budget theme. Cheapens the whole deck quite a bit.
+ On Serra's Wings x3
Graveyard shennanigans are not that prevelant for now. If that ever changes AOTA will be an easy sideboard option, but survival is better. OSW can also be played on our other creatures, making removing them by burst more difficult. Danitha is particularly vulnerable, as she can die to just Shock.
- Curator's Ward x3
+ Dive Down x3
Cheaper hexproof that's basically a one mana counterspell.
- Sinister Sabotage x3
- Arcane Adaptation x2
+ Absorb x1
+ Chemister's Insight x1
+ Ixalan's Binding x3
+ Sinister Sabotage x3
Moving SS to the sideboard; if against aggro sub IB for it.
- Healing Grace x3
- Dive Down x3
+ Deputy of Detention x2
+ Conclave Tribunal x2
+ Arcane Adaptation x2
DOD is just too good to not have a full playset of, especially when the goal of the deck is to control the board state as much as possible to set up the combo. CT backs up this strat, but b/c of its convoke ability it's good to just have 2 copies. We're not going to be attacking very much anyway. Lastly, if we already have a Famished Paladin in-hand and AA in play set to vampires, we can tutor for them w/ Forerunner of the Legion. DOD will be a frequent target.
- Devious Cover-Up x2
+ Chemister's Insight x2
+ Devious Cover-Up x4
The more card draw the better. Cover-up is situational for control matchups.
20 | 11 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |