Arena Standard - Savage Lands Budget Upgrade (2022)

  • Deck contains 21 invalid cards for this format: Snow-Covered Mountain (KHM), Hulking Bugbear (AFR), Ranger Class (AFR), Toski, Bearer of Secrets (KHM), Ashaya, Soul of the Wild (ZNR), Goldspan Dragon (KHM), Battle Cry Goblin (AFR), Frost Bite (KHM), Kazandu Mammoth (ZNR), Snow-Covered Forest (KHM), Highland Forest (KHM), Cragcrown Pathway (ZNR), Emergent Sequence (STX), Brushfire Elemental (ZNR), Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider (KHM), Spirit of the Aldergard (KHM), Froghemoth (AFR), Arni Brokenbrow (KHM), Inferno of the Star Mounts (AFR), Blizzard Brawl (KHM), Werewolf Pack Leader (AFR)
Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (24)

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This is a budget deck upgrade for Savage Lands, the Gruul (R/G) Starter deck on MTG Arena unlocked through the Color Challenge.

This Deck Upgrade costs: 3 Common WC's || 8 Uncommon WC's || 0 Rare & Mythic WC's
All other cards in the deck, including the rares and mythics, are obtained for free from the other Arena Starter Decks.

Although the preconstructed deck is mostly built around the Landfall theme, we've leaned away from that strategy in favor of a more generic aggressive deck since Landfall is not very budget friendly or competitive. Gruul has access to some powerful and aggressive creatures, even on a budget, so let's look at some of our upgrades.



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Battle Cry Goblinimage is a really solid two-drop for aggressive red decks, even without a goblin theme. The thing we like most about this card is that it's a solid play on turn 2 and it's a solid play if we top deck it later in the field thanks to its mana sink ability. Emergent Sequenceimage is a sorcery, but I'm going to include it as a creature since that is the role it fills in our deck. It plays well with our 4 copies of Brushfire Elementalimage, gets another snow permanent out on the field for our Spirit Bear, and gives us some ramp options while still being a decent body early. Hulking Bugbearimage is our main turn 3 play. I messed around with Boreal Outriderimage in this slot but it was just too slow and I came to appreciate the bugbear as a simple 3/3 haster. It's also a goblin so we have some minor synergy with the Battlecry Gob. Spirit of the Aldergardimage is our turn 4 big beater and he can get big very quickly if our opponent doesn't deal with it. He also fetches a snow land from our library to keep the landfall triggers on our Elemental rolling and get us to our 5-6 mana drops for closing out the game. 



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If we're going to be aggro, we need our removal to be cheap and efficient. Lucky for us Blizzard Brawlimage and Frost Biteimage are just that. I'm only running 3 copies of each because it's been a decent amount for handling the aggro matchups like mono white without significantly hampering our chances against the popular control and ramp decks. 



While Gruul is not one of the top decks in the 2022 Standard, there are still some upgrades we can make. The best place to start is usually with lands.



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 Jaspera Sentinel is not included in this upgrade list because it mainly synergizes well with Magda, Brazen Outlaw. So I would only include 4 Sentinels after also upgrading the deck to include 4 Magdas. 


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For another reference to a solid, fully upgraded Gruul Aggro list, check out DoggertQBones' version here



I hope you enjoy this deck and that it serves you well. There's a deck tech video on youtube attached to this guide here and I stream on Twitch here so don't hesitate to reach out :) I'd love to hear your experience with the deck. Good luck and have fun!

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Last Updated: 07 Sep 2021
Created: 31 Aug 2021
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