Creature (25) | |||
$0.19€0.130.03 | |||
$2.65 | |||
$2.48 | |||
$0.30 | |||
$0.25€0.150.03 | |||
$0.18€0.110.03 | |||
$0.20€0.160.03 | |||
$0.44 | |||
$1.48 | |||
$0.18€0.050.03 | |||
$0.75 | |||
$1.37 | |||
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11) | |||
$0.25€0.170.03 | |||
$0.75€0.900.03 | |||
$1.29 | |||
$0.29€0.200.03 | |||
$0.25€0.220.03 | |||
Land (24) | |||
$0.40€0.200.03 | ||
$0.33€0.150.04 | ||
$5.18 |
$0.18€0.140.03 | |||
$0.22€0.110.03 | |||
$0.15€0.070.03 | |||
$0.20€0.100.03 | |||
$0.15€0.020.03 | |||
$0.20€0.140.03 | |||
$0.14€0.020.03 |
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Learn more Download For WindowsThis is a budget deck upgrade for Sky Patrol, the Azorius (U/W) Starter deck on MTG Arena unlocked through the Color Challenge.
This Deck Upgrade costs: 5 Common WC's || 18 Uncommon WC's || 0 Rare & Mythic WC's
All other cards in the deck, including the rares and mythics, are obtained for free from the other Arena Starter Decks.
Sky Patrol has some exile/foretell themes going on, but at its core it is a tempo deck. Our upgrades were made with this plan in mind - we want to take control of the board early and then deny our opponent counterplay while we beat them up with our early drops.
Stonebinder's Familiar is a really strong aggressive piece in our deck. We can drop him on turn one and then the first time we exile a card on our turn he gets a +1/+1 counter. So we get to grow him by removing things with Portable Hole or the first time we foretell on our turn - all things we want to be doing anyway. Usher of the Fallen is the white aggro staple so naturally it has a home in our deck. A 2/1 for 1 mana can put the pressure on very quickly and though it's boast effect doesn't usually come into play it's a nice bit of text. Clarion Spirit is one of our most dangerous threats thanks to its decent body and great effect. We'll be able to proc this reliably multiple times thanks to our low curve and foretell shenaningans. If our opponents can't remove this early they are going to have a hard time recovering especially once we foretell a counter spell over top of this. Professor of Symbology is our other two mana addition and a good value play giving us access to our Learnboard. It can also attack and be bounced with Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar to repeatedly Learn. Shepherd of the Cosmos makes up our top end and gives us hopefully the last bit of reach we need to close out the game. It has a lot of strong reanimation targets in our deck and can even be foretold for a mana discount and buff to our Familiar.
We bumped up Portable Hole to 3 copies because it does so much of what our deck wants. It's an early exile removal for Stonebinder's Familiar that is also cheap and can give us a massive tempo advantage while making it easy to proc Clarion Spirit. The only reason we're not running 4 is because it's so conditional and we don't want to be stuck with too many of these in our hand, but we wanted enough that we'd have it early most of the time. We're running 1 of Test of Talents to take care of those pesky Black control decks with Blood on the Snow and Blue based decks with Alrund's Epiphany. Unlike Test of Talents, our other counter spell is not conditional. Saw It Coming gives us the flexibility to be able to play Test and is generally a very strong counterspell due to it's fortell ability. With how many 2 mana instants we have (after being foreotld) we'll be able to pretty reliably support our board with counter spells while also having the option to refuel on opponent's end step if they didn't play anything worth countering. Speaking of the option to draw spells, Behold the Multiverse is our main source of card advantage. It can be foretold to buff our Familiar and if we're able to foretell this and a Saw It Coming we are given a lot of flexibility with how we spend our mana on our opponent's turn, which forces them to be inefficient with their mana while allowing us to be as efficient as possible with ours.
Azorius does not currently have a tier deck in Standard, but out of all the budget decks this is the best spring board into a full Mono White aggro list, which is Tier 1 in the format. A lot of our budget options are already part of this deck, such as Clarion Spirit and Usher of the Fallen, which both helps this deck perform competitively and have a clear and powerful upgrade path. Besides this, the natural direction to take this deck is Mono White because all of its best upgrades are staples in that deck as well.
If you particularly enjoy the Azorius version of this deck, you can still end up with a solid build that is very fun to play. Depending on if you decide to go this route, your upgrades might look something more like this
I hope you enjoy this deck and that it serves you well. There's a deck tech video on youtube attached to this guide and I stream on Twitch here so don't hesitate to reach out :) I'd love to hearyour experience with the deck. Good luck and have fun!
3 | 25 | 7 | 2 | 0 |
5 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Symbols | Percentage | Lands |