Standard - UBeR Control

TCGPlayer $140
Cardmarket €135
Cardhoarder 1 Tix
  • Deck contains 22 invalid cards for this format: Lightning Strike (XLN), Dragonskull Summit (M11), Harsh Scrutiny (KLD), Unlicensed Disintegration (KLD), Bloodwater Entity (HOU), Cryptic Serpent (AKH), Hungry Flames (AER), Enigma Drake (AKH), Saheeli Rai (pKLD), Spirebluff Canal (pKLD), Canyon Slough (pAKH), Fetid Pools (pAKH), Drowned Catacomb (pXLN), Divest (DOM), Treasure Map // Treasure Cove (pXLN), Sulfur Falls (pDOM), Lightning Strike (XLN), Harsh Scrutiny (KLD), Abrade (HOU), Hungry Flames (AER), Nezahal, Primal Tide (RIX), Prophetic Prism (A25)
Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Creature (10)
Planeswalker (1)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (8 distinct)
Maybeboard 5 cards (5 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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The win conditions of this deck are simple:

  • Cosplay as a mono-red deck and burn your oppoenent down to 0
  • Get a beefy Enigma Drake or Cryptic Serpent out and slam it against your opponents face
  • slowly widdle down your opponent with Bloodwater Entity and burn spells.

Btw feel free to ignore everything in the side deck and maybe deck, I am still testing with the deck and seeing what works better and if the mana curve is rite.

The deck its loosely based off of gives you a better idea for how the deck works so if you are conserned about an untested deck then go use Izzet Fling deck by: good4u2munchon

The most obvious difference between good4u2munchon's deck and my own is that mine splashes black some for some pretty annoying cards. 3x Duress3x Harsh Scrutiny, and 4x Unlicensed Disintegration. Then there is the fact that thier deck is a little more focused on control via counter spells and draw cards than my deck. Instead I opt (no pun intended) for a bit more of an agressive style while still retaining some counterspell options.

I use 1 more creature and 1 Planeswalker. The reasoning for this is that I have very few ways to search for the cards that I want in this deck (Those ways being OptHarsh Scrutiny, and Prophetic Prism each of which only really let me search 1 or 2 cards per use) and to make up for that I need some more threats, while not many more threats they are still threats.

If you are against a blue deck then it is best to try not to cast any creatures until you have either:

  • Used a Duress or Harsh Scrutiny to check their hand for counterspells
  • Have a counterspell of your own (and at enough mana to cast both the creature and the countersepll on hand)

That is one of the nice things about revealing your opponents hand in MTGA, the game keeps track of every single card you have revealed until the match is over which means you do not have to remember them all as you can just hover over them before you cast something and see if they have any responses, similarly you can see if they have any combat tricks before combat. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS. This information WILL win you games regardless of the deck you are playing at the time.

I need to do quite a bit more testing with this deck and collect more cards before I can fully say that its working as well as I want it to but with the cards that I have avaiable its preformed pretty well so far.

Edits So Far:
I have removed both Prophetic Prism's in exchange for Treasure Maps. They essentially do the same thing but Treasure Maps allow me to get more Artifacts out on the field which allows for Unlicensed Disitegration to become active more often.

I removed 1 Harsh Scrutiny for 1 Divest. This is because I do not have 3 Harsh Scrutiny's on MTGA yet and I want to see how Divest preforms (losing the scry but gaining the ability to force a discard of a non-creature artifact).

I am still deciding wether i prefer 2x Shock and 2x Lightning Strike and 2x Hungry Flames or if I want a different combination of those cards that still ends up at 6 total. The main concern being that MTGA is set up as a Bo1 (best of 1) match so you don't get to go to your sideboard and adjust. If you could then I would probably also be running something like 2x Shock, 2x, Lightning Strike, 1x Hungry Flames, 1x Abrade, and then in game 2 sideboard to whichever makes the most sense.

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Last Updated: 28 Jun 2018
Created: 27 Jun 2018
605 116 0

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
11 20 9 0 20
7 7 1 0 0
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