Arena Standard - Underworld Memes

TCGPlayer $139
Cardmarket €120
Cardhoarder 3 Tix
  • Deck contains 7 invalid cards for this format: Watery Grave (GRN), Godless Shrine (RNA), Oath of Kaya (WAR), Emergency Powers (RNA), Despark (WAR), Dovin's Veto (WAR), Tyrant's Scorn (WAR)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (36)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

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This deck is obviously just for fun.
However I like winning too, so over the past couple of days I kept perfecting it and it's actually become a pretty competitive deck. Nevertheless I don't think I need to tell you that this isn't tier 1.



This is a control-ish deck. You survive, draw and play as many Underworld Dreamsimage as possible. 
Then you start copying your Dreams with Mirrormadeimage
Then you go back to surviving and just wait and let your Dreams pew pew your opponent to death.

This strategy isn't always viable though, that's why I based this deck around enchantments and not just Underworld Dreamsimage.
So if you can't pull off the "dream" combo of getting 8 Dreams on the board, start copying other enchantments with your Mirrormadeimage.


Card Purpose

  • Mirrormadeimage
    You use this primarily to copy Underworld Dreamsimage, but like I've said before, it doesn't always work. However there are plenty of other enchantments in the deck so you can copy other stuff too. Copying Doom Foretoldimage for example is also very powerful.

  • Golden Eggimage
    Great card draw, can fix your mana and the potential lifegain is definitely relevant against aggro or midrange decks.

  • Oath of Kayaimage
    Good removal and it's a target for Doom Foretoldimage.

  • Treacherous Blessingimage
    Incredible card draw and the perfect target for Doom Foretoldimage.

  • The Birth of Meletisimage
    It's another form of "card draw" that can also fix your land problem. It's also another enchantment and the blocker plus the life gain are great for survival, which is of utmost importance for this deck.

  • Shatter the Skyimage
    This is a great sweeper. And the fact that it lets your opponent draw a card (sometimes) is actually a good thing! Because it means your Underworld Dreamsimage will do more damage.

  • Doom Foretoldimage
    Great for removing annoying permanents and it gets rid of your Treacherous Blessingimage.



  • Make sure you never have more than 1 Treacherous Blessingimage on the board.
    If you have 2 or more you kill yourself real quick. 
    The only time you could have more than 1 is when you also have a Doom Foretoldimage on the board.

  • Doom Foretoldimage can be a great target for Mirrormadeimage.

  • Don't just use Mirrormadeimage for your Dreams. There are other enchantments you can copy.

  • Don't try to play Underworld Dreamsimage too quickly. Especially versus aggro you're supposed to stabilize first.



  • Dovin's Vetoimage is mostly for when you're up against a counter deck. Use this to protect your Underworld Dreamsimage or a Doom Foretoldimage

  • Desparkimage is obviously for against midrange or control when you need more removal. 

  • Tyrant's Scornimage is for when you really need more cheap removal in an aggro matchup.

  • Emergency Powersimage
    This card actually has amazing synergy with Underworld Dreamsimage, but I didn't put it in the main deck because it's a little bit too clunky. But this card instantly wins you the game if you're against mill.

  • Ashiok, Nightmare Museimage
    Just a great value card that's pretty good in the current standard meta right now.


Underworld Dreamsimage is a really fun card so I tried to make something work with it.
I hope you enjoy the deck.


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ty very much for this :D
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
Created: 21 Jan 2020
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